Originally Posted by mjrgr8pain
That is what he told me. I have no idea for sure. He's been delivering boats for close to 30 years, but also liked to talk a lot. Could have been a rumor he had heard and just stuck.
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Just realised this is your first / second post so a big welcome aboard to CF
and hoping to hear much more from you in the future!
Or could be an excuse for hammering a new engine on a
Anyway it might be true for some of their engines or it might be "new" thing but I wouldn't put too much faith in it's veracity in a universal sense
Yanmar assemble engines in various parts of the world and ship party assembled to various countries for final assembly and
sale. For instance, some Yanmar engines
sold in
Australia are partly assembled in
Europe (The
Netherlands I believe) and final assembly in carried out here, some come direct from
Japan (AFAIK) completely assembled. I dunno about the
USA although some Yanmars
sold in
USA are from
Europe - these carry an "e" prefix in the
serial number.
So as you see, it probably isn't a universal truth and perhaps not true at all