Thank you! This is exactly the haunting idea that caused me to post this question, yet some people feel certain that more filtration is always better.
This is a tiny little 9hp
single cylinder engine, but it works perfectly and I really want to create the most robust possible cruising setup I can.
Any input is greatly appreciated. The tiny filter on there is really just too small though and I am certain I heard in a intro
diesel mechanics class I took that over-sizing the size of the primary (to an extent of course) was a good idea because it allowed more room for the collection of h2o/sediment in the collection bowl and therefore a larger pillow if you were negligent (which i don't plan to be
) and allowed the collection bowl to collect past the limit point - but of course i plan to
monitor them regularly both visually (to drain any collected h2o, etc.) and with a vac. gauge ideally wired into my nav station or engine panel. In our class they showed a setup with a Y-Adapter and a Parallel style setup to be the model of excellence for a cruising boat, basically the equivalent of what Racor sells pre-made for like $1000. That is what I want to create, but on a more limited
I am going to transcribe my "ideal setup" from paper into electronic format so I can post it.
So what size/model do people feel is the *largest* allowable filter I can place in either series, parallel, or both for my Yanmar
1GM10. Is it just the "Turbine" series that is unacceptable in general for my little engine or the 500 series sizing?
I think a parallel setup seems considerably more complex to install, while two slightly over-sized filters in series will hopefully be enough. Any thoughts on this?
With a series setup do you prefer to have independent vac gauges on each filter?
I do already have a 12v
fuel pump wired in with a switch that can be used to bleed the engine easily, and its just hooked up on the intake side of my
current filter (b/w the filter and the fuel tank). I'll just transfer this over to the next system I build out.