Hi all,
New to the forum.

Just purchased a 1972
Pearson 35 Yawl that has been refitted with a 2008
Yanmar 40 horse. Owner stated while under way, he heard the
motor sounding a little
funny and shut it down. After checking things out he realized the dipstick tube had separated from the block and ran the
motor nearly dry of
oil. Motor is not seized, but I'm sure it
lost some life. This motor has been shoehorned into the
engine room so tight its very difficult to get a good look at what really happened. (hence the remarkable
purchase price) Although an old
boat, it looks like the 91 yr old
single owner kept it in the garage and only sailed it to church in Sunday. VERY CLEAN. Does any one know how the tube attaches to the motor? Short of pulling motor I'm temped to cut an access point into the
cockpit locker and crawl in to install a new tube, fill "r" up and see what I have until I can afford a re-build. ..........Any ideas??