the Honda 2 is the motor of choice for the Sea Pearl 21 and is beloved by all but me. It has a centrifugal clutch and an air cooled engine with wet exhaust. On the other hand I have no use for anything 2 cycle. The Yamaha 2.5 is my choice because it is water cooled and has a clutch. Dave
I have the honda, its ok. Prone to flooding when tipped up. Prone to leak oil when travelling in the back of the car. Can run nice and slow, which is handy sometimes. I would get whichever one is newer/lower hours use. Dinghy motors are just that. Mostly, I would prefer oars!
Hated my Honda , Got a 3.5 Nissan4 stroke , same thing as the merc , more power same weight and way more dependable . No more flooding and oil leaks. Got it for the the trade in price of my Honda 2.
Mercury is actually Tohatsu / Nissan (japanese) up to about 40HP.
the memories of a man in his old age, are the dreams of a man in his prime
Pink Floyd - 'Free Four'
I should have my girlfriend call as see if the guy with the merc will lower his price to $300. I don't like the idea of it not having any use, it is something like 7 years old and has only had a few hrs on it. I'm mostly concerned with the carb and it gumming up or something, i know how many problems i have ran across with weed wackers and chain saws. Not directly related to bad gas, but a few other things i couldn't diagnose. It can be a headache. But if i can get it for $200 less than the Honda i might aim in that direction. Either way i have to wait a week for my taxes to come back....