Hi all
I was wondering, in order to avoid another hole under the waterline, how to convert a ordinary freshwatercooled via
heat exchanger to
keel cooling.
I mean in a
used boat with
fiberglass hull.
I thought about cut a square between the ribs of the
hull, replace it with a sheet of aluminium, that goes bigger then the hole, laminate it with
fiberglass for a pair of inch on all the 4 side, both exterior at the hull, both
interior, and on that aluminium sheet add the aluminium box (smaller, to let alluminium dissipate heat and do not overheat the fiberglass around )
Any idea also how to delete all the holes under the waterline?
I thought
toilet all to a black
water tank with macerating
pump and reversed U at the stern so no bad small,
bilge pump is ok; for
raw water sink and
watermaker a small
pump that can
lift water, placed at stern with the same reverse U shaped plastic pipe with a small "buffer" tank.
Both the pipe at stern laminated to the hull for estetic reason