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Old 14-02-2017, 09:18   #16
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Re: Bent strut and bent prop shaft $$?

I replaced a 5' ss1"1/4 shaft , had one made, for $457. , stuffing box repack with hose and clamps $50. and flex coupling $38. cutlass bearing $42.this august. most struts are bolted thru and glassed over. it could be straightened but it better be in a good machine shop, i m told it should be within .03 tolerance, i would replace to not stress your transmission bearing.
Ken Z
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Old 14-02-2017, 09:39   #17
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Re: Bent strut and bent prop shaft $$?

We may be setting up a case of "The Perfect is the Enemy of the Good".

The OP apparently used his boat for a whole season after the accident. It worked fine except for a squeal (which is likely the cutlass bearing). He didn't mention any unusual vibration.

And this boat is apparently lightly used in protected waters. It's not circumnavigating anytime soon or even getting out of BoatUS range.

So why not first have the yard just adjust the strut and replace the cutlass bearing and see if it's good enough? If after loosening the bolts the yard finds the strut is too bent to align, then bend it or buy a new one from Beneteau. The small diameter of the shaft makes it pretty flexible. Minor bends might not be noticeable underway. If the PO isn't happy with the result, he can go ahead with a bigger job.
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Old 14-02-2017, 09:39   #18
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Re: Bent strut and bent prop shaft $$?

Per the Beneteau link provided, the strut is glassed in. Has two wood gussets on the sides and the whole thing is surrounded by fiberglass putty. Probably have to be air chiseled out. Will the shaft come out of that boat without dropping the rudder? The estimate may not be that far off really.
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Old 14-02-2017, 09:42   #19
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Re: Bent strut and bent prop shaft $$?

Originally Posted by Suijin View Post
Personally, I would have a machine shop make one over just buying the part from Beneteau. The reason is that the machine shop will mount the coupling and face it, ensuring a perfectly perpendicular fit, which in turn ensures an easier time with alignment.

A GOOD machine shop, as in one that specializes in shafts. Not the local machine shop. Machining aside, if they use the wrong SS (and there are many types of SS) it could rust or fall apart. The type of steel is just as important as the machining. So get it from a shaft supplier; my suggestion is to let the yard order it, that way it's all their problem. You buy your own shaft and it turns out to be cheap Chinese stainless or the keyway isn't cut right, and you just made up the difference when you have to have the boat hauled again and a good shaft installed.
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Old 14-02-2017, 09:43   #20
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Re: Bent strut and bent prop shaft $$?

I had the misfortune of having the lifting strap partially on the prop shaft during haulout. Once on the hard, the prop would not turn. Bent shaft. I informed the yard who said it must have already been that way when I arrived. " how did I motor to the service dock for haulout with a prop shaft that won't rotate?". That one stumped them.

Long story short, it was about $1k to have the shaft removed, straightened and reinstalled. A new cutlass bearing was installed at the same time, since this is easy to do when the shaft is out.
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Old 14-02-2017, 09:54   #21
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Re: Bent strut and bent prop shaft $$?

Since the shaft is going to the machine shop for sure, you should send the prop and shaft flange as well.
The shop will machine all three parts as a set. This will help provide the best alignment you can have. In particular the shaft flange will be truly perpendicular to the shaft.
At the same time have the prop serviced. It will be at the shop, and looks like it could use it.
The yard will be familiar with the local propeller shops.They will handle shafts, flanges, struts, and stuffing boxes as well.
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Old 14-02-2017, 10:58   #22
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Re: Bent strut and bent prop shaft $$?

Originally Posted by Albicelesail View Post
Back in May '16, I fowled my prop. BoatUs towed and then freed the prop. The diver didn't see anything to worry about. The only thing I noticed was a high pitch squeel at low RPM but operated fine. Well I received a preliminary assessment from the boat yard today. The prop shaft strut is bent beyond repair and would need to be replaced. This same is true for the prop shaft. From what they tell me the strut is glassed into the boat, and this would would make the job expensive. The inital estimate for this repair is $4k to $5k. I planned to sail this boat for another 5 years. This is very concerning for my '86 Beneteau First 305. Attachment 141182 Anyone have an insight on this type of scenario?

Attachment 141183Attachment 141184Attachment 141185
First, the strut is not glased for god shake, its bolted and usually they fairing the strut plate recess like in your pics, try to see the nuts inside...

Second, a Brand new strut could be around 500 $$.

Third . a Brand new Shaft for your boat size is less than 1000$ Aquamet is a good SS material for shafting.

Fourth.. 4000 to 5000 U$$. really?

I sugest you to ask in a diferent place for estimates ....
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Old 14-02-2017, 11:03   #23
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Re: Bent strut and bent prop shaft $$?

Wait , i see late the Beneteau link, cant believe is glassed, but in any case dont change to much the final estimate,, you can in any case fit a throughbolted strut or reglass a new one.. I prefer a through bolted strut...
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Old 14-02-2017, 11:10   #24
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Re: Bent strut and bent prop shaft $$?

Originally Posted by neilpride View Post
First, the strut is not glased for god shake, its bolted and usually they fairing the strut plate recess like in your pics, try to see the nuts inside...

Second, a Brand new strut could be around 500 $$.

Third . a Brand new Shaft for your boat size is less than 1000$ Aquamet is a good SS material for shafting.

Fourth.. 4000 to 5000 U$$. really?

I sugest you to ask in a diferent place for estimates ....
The strut IS glassed in according to Beneteau.

Shaft and Strut $1500?
Cutlass, glass, enviro fees etc: $150
Decouple, remove shaft etc 2-4 hours?
Drop rudder?
Remove old glassed in strut, prep area: 4hours?
Install, align new strut: 4-6 hours
Pack gland, Install prop, Align engine etc. 3-5 hours
16 hours total= $1600 labor
Two days to remove replace and realign etc... yeah, that makes sense. Could be 2.5 or 1.5.
Parts: $1650?
Bottom paint effected areas, cldean up inside etc...Yeah, I can see $4000 happening...
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Old 14-02-2017, 11:19   #25
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Re: Bent strut and bent prop shaft $$?

Originally Posted by Cheechako View Post
The strut IS glassed in according to Beneteau.

Shaft and Strut $1500?
Cutlass, glass, enviro fees etc: $150
Decouple, remove shaft etc 2-4 hours?
Drop rudder?
Remove old glassed in strut, prep area: 4hours?
Install, align new strut: 4-6 hours
Pack gland, Install prop, Align engine etc. 3-5 hours
16 hours total= $1600 labor
Two days to remove replace and realign etc... yeah, that makes sense. Could be 2.5 or 1.5.
Parts: $1650?
Bottom paint effected areas, cldean up inside etc...Yeah, I can see $4000 happening...
Wait,,, in my last CSY we replace the 2 inches 7 ft prop shaft for 850 u$, i dont see anything weird in a 500 new strut, usually if the builder pay attention the shaft is a bit aligned in one side , remove the prop and the shaft come from one side of the rudder, no need to drop the rudder.
16 hours of labour is a lot, i mean for me 3 hours its enough to disconect prop, couplings and shaft,, ground the glass and dropp the ofender strut 2 hours... that shaft sould be for around 600 or 700U$ and still to far from those 4000 to 5000u$ unless they charge a fortune for hour labour rate....
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Old 14-02-2017, 11:32   #26
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Re: Bent strut and bent prop shaft $$?

Originally Posted by Albicelesail View Post
Back in May '16, I fowled my prop. BoatUs towed and then freed the prop. The diver didn't see anything to worry about. The only thing I noticed was a high pitch squeel at low RPM but operated fine. Well I received a preliminary assessment from the boat yard today. The prop shaft strut is bent beyond repair and would need to be replaced. This same is true for the prop shaft. From what they tell me the strut is glassed into the boat, and this would would make the job expensive. The inital estimate for this repair is $4k to $5k. I planned to sail this boat for another 5 years. This is very concerning for my '86 Beneteau First 305. Attachment 141182 Anyone have an insight on this type of scenario?

Attachment 141183Attachment 141184Attachment 141185
I am not sure that isn't a low estimate at todays rates. A good machine shop might be able to straighten the strut? Go for new labor is going to be the killer.
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Old 14-02-2017, 11:51   #27
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Re: Bent strut and bent prop shaft $$?

Geez. What a half-asssed strut mounting method. No way to adjust it during an alignment. Disposable boat engineering.

Has the yard looked inside the hull at that couple of layers of fiberglass tape they call a mounting? The slit through the hull forms a nice fulcrum such that a good whack on the strut could easily pop that tacked on bit of fiberglass off the hull. In the pictures, the strut doesn't look bent - just rotated forward.

It may be as simple as tapping the strut back into position and redoing the fiberglass and putty - with a new cutlass bearing and an alignment.
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Old 14-02-2017, 11:53   #28
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Re: Bent strut and bent prop shaft $$?

Originally Posted by neilpride View Post
Wait,,, in my last CSY we replace the 2 inches 7 ft prop shaft for 850 u$, i dont see anything weird in a 500 new strut, usually if the builder pay attention the shaft is a bit aligned in one side , remove the prop and the shaft come from one side of the rudder, no need to drop the rudder.
16 hours of labour is a lot, i mean for me 3 hours its enough to disconect prop, couplings and shaft,, ground the glass and dropp the ofender strut 2 hours... that shaft sould be for around 600 or 700U$ and still to far from those 4000 to 5000u$ unless they charge a fortune for hour labour rate....
I hear you, but also, you know how boat work goes! Heck, getting an old coupling off the end of a shaft can take 4 hours alone if things aren't clean and free! Don't ask how I know.
I think for this kind of job you have to ask yourself : "OK, so I send Joe mechanic out to do this on the boat at 8am, First he visits the boat to assess what tools he needs. Then he scrounges all those tools, an air chisel, air lines, a ladder... etc. I check on him at noon 4 hours later... is he 1/2 done? No way. Is he done completely ready to launch by end of the following day? Maybe....big maybe"
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Old 14-02-2017, 11:57   #29
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Re: Bent strut and bent prop shaft $$?

Originally Posted by CarlF View Post
Geez. What a half-asssed strut mounting method. No way to adjust it during an alignment. Disposable boat engineering.

Has the yard looked inside the hull at that couple of layers of fiberglass tape they call a mounting? The slit through the hull forms a nice fulcrum such that a good whack on the strut could easily pop that tacked on bit of fiberglass off the hull. In the pictures, the strut doesn't look bent - just rotated forward.

It may be as simple as tapping the strut back into position and redoing the fiberglass and putty - with a new cutlass bearing and an alignment.
I was wondering about bend vs movement also.
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Old 14-02-2017, 12:02   #30
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Re: Bent strut and bent prop shaft $$?

Originally Posted by Cheechako View Post
I hear you, but also, you know how boat work goes! Heck, getting an old coupling off the end of a shaft can take 4 hours alone if things aren't clean and free! Don't ask how I know.
I think for this kind of job you have to ask yourself : "OK, so I send Joe mechanic out to do this on the boat at 8am, First he visits the boat to assess what tools he needs. Then he scrounges all those tools, an air chisel, air lines, a ladder... etc. I check on him at noon 4 hours later... is he 1/2 done? No way. Is he done completely ready to launch by end of the following day? Maybe....big maybe"
Check the picture of the shaft coupling, is butter... again any good prop shafts tech come with tools ready, now if you call Yahh man i can do it guy, well......
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