The motor unit is from
france, The original from lagoon. I guess I could call them to see if they have replacement brushes. If I call Lagoon can they help, will they?? I know there was
power to the motor so it makes sense it is either the motor or brushes, That is if this particular motor has brushes. I will wait to see what the boatyard diagnosis is first, I will let you know what they say. How long due motors last anyway? and when they do go can they be rebuilt or refurbished? new windings??? When you say suitable substitutes are motor/pump assemblies all uniform for hookup, it looks like they all have 3 hydraulic lines going to the drive unit.
- Show quoted text -
On Thu, Sep 22, 2011 at 11:42 PM, Cruisers & Sailing
Forums <> wrote:
Dear jdisarro,
colemj has just replied to a thread you have subscribed to entitled -
Yanmar Saildrive Issues - in the
Multihull Sailboats forum of Cruisers & Sailing
This thread is located at:
Yanmar Saildrive Issues - Cruisers & Sailing Forums
Here is the message that has just been posted:
---Quote (Originally by jdisarro)---
I checked all that, the solenoid is working, the pump has voltage to it but is not working, when you set the autopilot you cannot turn the wheel. there is not hydraulic fluid leaking that I can see. I think it may be the hydraulic motor. and I stand corrected the linear drive unit is not B&G it is some french manufacturer that lagoon installed when built. since it is 11 years old should I just install a whole new hydraulic linear drive steering system?? or can I install just any other manufacturers hydraulic pump and motor on the existing linear drive??
---End Quote---
Oops, I forgot one other problem that would cause your issue (and we have experienced). Worn motor brushes. Check the brushes for wear. On ours, the brush holders had stops built into them that would not let the brushes travel further than ~3/16" from the end of the brush. So even though there was still some brush left, the stops kept them from contacting the commutator.
Also, did you check the rudder feedback unit? If that is bad, the pilot will also give a rudder error.
Again, set the pilot control to "Power" mode and see if the ram moves when the 10* dodge buttons are pushed. Can you hear the motor trying to turn when operating?
Hydraulic linear rams are pretty simple, straightforward and easily and cheaply repaired. Any
commercial hydraulic shop can fix most any problem much cheaper than the original manufacturer. I wouldn't spend the
money on a new one unless you got a diagnosis that yours has completely gone tango uniform (and that would take something completely catastrophic).
In general, these drives are just a combination of standard motor, pump and ram with a particular manufacturer's
paint and badge, so you can replace any component with suitable substitutes - particularly if yours is a component system and not an integrated all-in-one, like the B&G linear drive.
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