I have been 'hankering' for a toy beach cat type
boat for some time. Something two of us and a dog could use to scoot around between islands here, that we could keep on a
trailer in the yard. I have been looking at the rotomolded Hobie Getaways for some time, and just today after reading comments from
trimaran fans, the Windrider 17.
We plan to buy a used
Gemini 105 ( or rough equivalent) in the next year, but I still want something I can run down to a
boat ramp and take off with on a nice day. The ability to stow some stuff out of the spray in the Windrider looks interesting.
Any thoughts on the relative merits of these two
boats, or suggestions for something similar? A
multihull daysailer. I have Hobie experience, but have never sailed on a tri.