Originally Posted by David M
I think its fine to be your own marine surveyor initially to screen out the boats you clearly do not want but you still need to hire an experienced marine surveyor before signing on the dotted line. Your insurance company will want a marine survey anyway.
Absolutely! I might even hire two. Every house, condo, or
boat I've ever bought has been professionally inspected, and they've all missed lots of stuff.
But I'd rather do an evaluation myself to eliminate a candidates before I go to the trouble of hiring a surveyor. It also gives me a check of the surveyor if they miss obvious things, I have something of a gauge of how good they are. Call me cynical, but inspectors/surveyors rely on agents for their referrals, so if they are really thorough and hard ass with their
inspection they will get fewer referrals. I'm not talking about all surveyors, yes, there are many honest and thorough ones.
I've had more than one building inspector give me a
laundry list of trivial items to make me think they were thorough, but completely miss major things that sometimes I saw and sometimes I didn't before the deal closed.