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Old 12-11-2021, 07:35   #31
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Re: The Virgin Island's are open for business!!

“Public Health!” This a joke! I just won’t go! I’ll go where there is FREEDOM, like Florida! Y’all can have that place!
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Old 12-11-2021, 07:44   #32
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Re: The Virgin Island's are open for business!!

So glad someone turned this into a covid debate space, we really needed another online anonymous place to air our covid/vaccine/conspiracy theory/rants.
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Old 12-11-2021, 07:51   #33
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Re: The Virgin Island's are open for business!!

Thanks RickG for keeping this post on topic. Please keep your politics and personal concerns off this post. There are many places to share your other thoughts, this isn't it. This is for information regarding travel in and out of the Virgin Islands along with personal accounts therin. Stay healthy and grateful that we can still travel outside our borders.

Originally Posted by RickG View Post
ROAM is currently not an option for checking into the USVI. Governor Bryan asked CBP to block the USVIs so that people would check-in in-person and show their travel portal papers to the National Guard. We are vaccinated in the USVI, so the travel portal does not force us to get COVID tests to enter the USVI. When we checked in from St. Lucia they did not want to see our negative COVID results.

I hope the BVIs open for charter vessels soon. The USVI anchorages were mobbed last winter.

Cheers, RickG
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Old 12-11-2021, 07:52   #34
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Re: The Virgin Island's are open for business!!

Originally Posted by ol1970 View Post
So where exactly in the entire world is that these days? Asking for a friend…
Even Mexico is looking at curtailing the 180 day tourist card, with no guarantees if you try to reenter on a border run. Luckily I have my resident visa.
Thailand is no longer allowing border get a 30 day entry unless you meet income requirements. They are done with backpacker hostel type tourists.

Not vaccinated? Better buy a land yacht and join the hordes at Yellowstone.
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Old 12-11-2021, 07:59   #35
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Re: The Virgin Island's are open for business!!

Originally Posted by Group9 View Post
We've had more opioid overdoses in my state than Covid deaths in the last four years (including my 21 year old nephew, a 4.0 college engineering student in his fourth year).

It would sure be nice if we decided to throw out all of the constitutional protections for drug dealers to get rid of that problem, the way we have to combat Covid.. But, somehow, I bet that wouldn't go over so good.
Exactly which one of your "constitutional protections" have been violated? 450,000 Americans dead isnt enough for you? Millions worldwide. Your constitutional rights end at the border. Enjoy staying home complaining about it.
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Old 12-11-2021, 08:35   #36
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Re: The Virgin Island's are open for business!!

Originally Posted by sailmontana View Post
well it looks like I got a conversation going nonetheless.
A few things:
Yes-I heard that a vessel was impounded. Terribly unfortunate and unnecessary and seemed to have been made an example of. C19 is real and A LOT of fear has been surrounding it. I don't have anything more to say about that-it happened and that sucks.
Moving forward what can I do but deal with today...
It was a month before C19 when we bought our boat and couldn't even see it for a year and a half. That said we were excited to finally see her last June. Then in October we had a pretty decent experience that was, YES, laden with bureaucracy though doable. YES, a PITA, but we did it, twice, and even went back and forth to the USVI's without really any issues. This is why I report since I know I am not alone with needing and or wanting to return to the BVI. It is SCUBA and sailing mecca and have been returning now for 15 years. This last trip I had the BEST diving of my life!
that said...
My wife called BCBS and requested a "C19 insurance" form stating that we had insurance. This we uploaded on to the portal (June) and last time when we went through it there was an option to buy insurance that seemed pretty inexpensive. I do know that when the insurance document came it didn't have our name on it. My wife used Adobe to add our names. Looking at the portals in both USVI and BVI I don't see that this is something that needs to be uploaded and I don't' recall anyone asking for it in October but it was required for submission in last June. I still have the form but don't recall being asked for it in any portals or ports.
I am vaccinated and know that if you want to leave your house this is going to be required. I don't care about politics, where and who started C19. I retired as a Firefighter and Paramedic last month and know ALL about the BS surrounding this pandemic. This is the USA and you can do what you want - kinda... I'll do what I have to, to make my traveling life easier. I will not discuss non-vaccinated issues, it's your choice, choice comes with consequences; so is life. If you are vaccinated this process is MUCH easier. Good luck in life today without vaccination...
I fly in to STT because it's like a third of the cost than flying in to EIS. I am in my 50's and am very fit and can deal with traveling via multiple flights, ferries, taxis, walking with 100's of lbs of gear and parts, and a little amount of clothing. Bring half the clothes and twice the money...well maybe three times the money these days that you think you need. YES, it's an F-ing PITA, but doable for my wife and I. I would NOT, put my 76 yo mother through this. One , I couldn't deal with her on my 15 yo boat but two, she's just too old. Need I refer to my choices comment?
Coming back to the USVI you'll need a C19 test, I use JVD clinic since they are super nice and it's easier. Since the BVI is considered "international travel" you'll need your test 3 days prior to leaving. BVI requires 5 days, this is confusing. When I returned from the USVI I applied to the BVI portal, signed up for testing at the West End (only place for private vessels) Took a ball in West End, dinghied over to customs/ferry dock, went through all the BS, told them I was a first timer and they were super nice. I timed this such that I was able to use my test for return within three days to the USVI via ferry. We sailed around for three days and returned using Native Son. Double customs is even more of a pain. Once when you get off ferry and again when you get to STT. I go HOURS early and just deal. Next trip I'll be looking in to either a BVI SIM cell phone card or switching to AT&T. Verizon doesn't offer an international plan that is usable in the BVI. My buddies had AT&T and using their "hot spot" could sign on and do all the needed portal BS or you could get wifi but needed on the spot service at times and could have been super expensive with Verizon...FYI.
At any rate, I will return again in May for 6 weeks. Is this worth it for a 5-10 day vacation - F NO! Is this what I'm willing to do until I can cruise fulltime and attempt to get repairs paid for since my boat is in a charter fleet traveling to the USVI to get cheaper parts and labor, YUP!
Safe travels to you-
I feel fortunate that my wife and I with a few willing friends can still leave our homes let alone the country to have some semblance of a life outside of all this. I wake up every day and feel blessed that my HP gave me another day. I hope this finds you healthy and this terrible time doesn't touch you as harshly as it has others. To those who know what I mean when I say this, "I'll take another 24!"

you can find more at my website here, let me know if you would like to join us in the future - J Gras

Now it makes sense while your glowing report differed from most others and my most recent experience in BVI. It was a giant pain in the ass and a Red tape nightmare.
There as so many nice spots like Hawaii , San Juan’s , and Sea of Cortez which are just as nice ( Hawaii nicer ) where the red tape isn’t so ridiculous.

Of course you want others to start returning to BVI as your boat is in charter there and I’m sure what most of us have found there so far would definately deter us.
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Old 12-11-2021, 09:34   #37
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Re: The Virgin Island's are open for business!!

Until these countries stop their vaccine mandates and discriminating against people who choose not to get the jab, everyone, vaxed or not, should avoid them. This is about freedom. Vaxed may not care about the unvaxed, but just wait until these governments take something away from you that you care about. Don't think in will happen? You will see. Tyranny must be stopped for everyone!!! Boycott the BVI. Make them hurt financially and they will rethink their stance on this discrimination.
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Old 12-11-2021, 10:48   #38
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Re: The Virgin Island's are open for business!!

Originally Posted by FoxIslander View Post
Exactly which one of your "constitutional protections" have been violated? 450,000 Americans dead isnt enough for you? Millions worldwide. Your constitutional rights end at the border. Enjoy staying home complaining about it.
I guess I forgot for a minute we were talking about the British Virgin Islands not the US Virgin Islands. You're right, a lot of the protections we have don't apply there. I'm okay with that if you're okay with it.

Just because someone doesn't agree with you on the amount of government intrusiveness they will allow in their life doesn't mean you're right and they're wrong. Everybody assesses risk versus security differently. Some people are willing to tolerate great risk for great freedom and some people, are just the opposite. And will accept a lot of government control of their lives, for that security.

I think we have both clearly stated which side of the that issue we stand on.
Founding member of the controversial Calypso rock band, Guns & Anchors!
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Old 12-11-2021, 12:30   #39
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Re: The Virgin Island's are open for business!!

Wow! Sounds great!
Let us know when you don't have to have a mask and/or a vaccination, and we're THERE!
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Old 13-11-2021, 00:42   #40
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Re: The Virgin Island's are open for business!!

We did a 2-week bareboat charter in the BVI’s the latter half of July. We procured a supplemental insurance policy to cover any covid-related medical expenses - but were never. asked by any officials in the BVI’s to produce evidence of same. Quite a hassle getting the antigen test within the last 72 hours before departure; we used NAVICA for this test, which required a live internet connection - not always easy to secure in the BVI’s. Seven of us spent a total of about 5 hours at Soggy Dollar Bar, JVD, getting our tests (all negative) completed. I guess there are worse places to go through all that stress & suffering!
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Old 14-11-2021, 15:29   #41
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Re: The Virgin Island's are open for business!!

Originally Posted by Group9 View Post
It would sure be nice if we decided to throw out all of the constitutional protections for drug dealers to get rid of that problem, the way we have to combat Covid.. But, somehow, I bet that wouldn't go over so good.

Please stop with these awful posts. Your sarcasm and cynicism are depressing and pathetic.
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Old 14-11-2021, 15:42   #42
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Re: The Virgin Island's are open for business!!

Interesting thread. No matter your politics (suspect 50% of us disagree with each other), can’t deny that the Covid response by various governments is cramping our cruising style. Long for the days when you could plan your trip based on weather!
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Old 14-11-2021, 17:45   #43
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Re: The Virgin Island's are open for business!!

"A joint task force comprised of police, Customs and Immigration officers successfully executed an operation to ensure yacht and boat operators in the Nanny Cay area were compliant with Customs and Immigration requirements early yesterday morning.

Customs Commissioner and head of the Joint Task Force, Wade Smith said in a radio interview on ZBVI that the operation saw officers boarding some yachts to make checks.

The task force went there “to ensure that boaters were compliant, to ensure that workers were compliant … having their Labour and Immigration clearance and ensuring that vessels are actually imported in the territory legally. There was a number of infractions and a number of visitors and boaters were happy to see Immigration there because they had several questions, they wanted answers too. They got assistance from the Immigration officers,” Smith said.

The Customs boss said several boat owners whose vessels are not compliant with the Virgin Islands customs laws will have to meet with Immigration officers to ensure they get everything in order. This will allow them to resume operation in the territory.

Smith also said the team received several calls after the operation. He said callers wanted to double-check the Immigration requirements they need to follow to operate and import boats in the territory and to ensure they were on the right side of the law.

Don’t make reckless social media posts about our operations

Smith also warned persons on social media to refrain from spinning narratives about the task force’s operation as it can be reckless and damaging. The head of the task force had used the interview to clarify why the joint task force was executing an operation early in the morning.

A post on social media site, Facebook, had implied that a criminal was on the loose in the territory.

Smith said the task force has done several operations since its inception in 2020 and the same ‘modus operandi’ used then was the same used in the execution of the exercise at Nanny Cay.

“During those previous exercises, I am not seeing any post on social media circulating or any discussion regarding that. But in regards to the location that the task force was this morning (yesterday), [there were] a number of articles on social media, and that is a bit concerning. Our number-one mission is to keep the BVI safe. That’s BVI Love — ensuring that our residents and visitors alike enjoy a safe community,” Smith said."

But you've got to read the coments section, the first comment....

"Dawn raid with dogs and guns? Figuratively dragging them out of bed to show papers? Why could you not have sent lone officers to politely ask for the papers?
We are already vilified in the marine community for your exceptionally brutal treatment of boaters and you have to add to the stories of abuse on the cruiser nets? BVI Love is a joke. Yachtsman Friendly a distant memory.
Keep this up and you will be able to retire your boats as there won’t be any boats here to harass."

So not sure what's exactly going on there in relation to charter companies or private boat owners but this raises more questions than answers. Because supposedly they are courting charter buisness and tourists but this seems to go against best efforts if it's been truly reported. Journalism as it is in the BVI lacks integrity so there's no telling what's really happening. But for the sake of my friends living there i hope the government is supporting as opposed to intimidating the tourist and marine industry.
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Old 14-11-2021, 19:41   #44
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Re: The Virgin Island's are open for business!!

Originally Posted by cr180 View Post
Interesting thread. No matter your politics (suspect 50% of us disagree with each other), can’t deny that the Covid response by various governments is cramping our cruising style. Long for the days when you could plan your trip based on weather!
Hilarious that you think this is 'no matter your politics'. If you weren't making a political rant you might instead say that COVID is cramping our cruising style. But no, it's "COVID response by various governments". You can't stop yourself from the reactionary right wing freedom rant - and you can't even imagine that that might be political?

These rants against small island governments by affluent privileged foreigners are just mind blowing. Let's see, keeping people from dying for want of a ventilator vs. your 'cruising lifestyle'. Tough, tough call.
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