Dear Cruising Brothers and Sisters:
year and a half later--UPDATE
Thanks again for all the love you gave
now one of you turned me onto a reel (definitely more expensive, sorry) but I freakin LOVE it-it aint a $1000 Tuna reel, but as close as I'm going to get, pretty darn Shimano bulletproof. Let me know anyone disagrees, this thing is big and awesome, and I've seen my daughter pull in a crazy huge
fish with the high torque shift on the fly switch--ideal when you have a strong braid on. Give any who might benefit a
fish fighting belt (even with shoulder harness if they need) and this reel allows some pretty regular small people to get some pretty spectacular fish:
SHIMANO TLD 50 II LRS A 2 SPEED Trolling Multiplier
Offshore TLD50IILRSA
just wanted to pass on anything I like this much--as always thanks to my brothers and sisters--you can tell we're the real deal by our posts, and by the way the other one I loved was the Penn, which was the less pricey exact competition, do love it but wore out
parts twice I said if you got $400 bucks this one is bulletproof...
and sorry my bro and sis, don't hate on me...I just am a bad fit for the YoYo..probably too old...but God Love all of you who can rock it and not almost cut yourself, I mean that!!
If anyone has any idea of ANY reel for that money better, say it because I always want to steer folks right