Originally Posted by Brandywine
Stern extension?
How much does it cost to extend the sterns of a 40ish foot cat?
We will be carring a large RIB and large solar area on the aft and it seams a popular solution to maintain balance and increase water line. Intuitively I would assume it would help in bridge deck clearance as well. Are there any issues with this approach.
i had a boatyard extend my cat 4 years ago in the uk , it was a simple operation , its just g r p ! the existing steps were cut out , 650mm added to hulls using 4mm hardboard screwed onto the existing
hull profile , tapering along the same lines ,cloth and grp layed up and then reduced/tapered steps re- fitted it was a simple , straightforward operation , i gained 630mm in total , result ? better seakeeping ,speed ,stability and aesthetics go for it !