Hello Sailing Friends!
I'm searching for a "medium term
catamaran charter" somewhere in the Windward or
Leeward Islands for my
family of 3 (me, wife and 7 yo son). We'd certainly have other guests onboard at times so I'd prefer a mid 40's foot cat but could go as small as 40' or as large as 50'. The exact timing of this
charter is variable (and negotiable depending upon the options available) but might start as early as mid-March 2017 and run through August 2017. (We could do that entire period or some significant subset of this period.)
Given the time of year, I'll want A/C (and generator) and would MUCH prefer a 3
cabin (owners) version vs 4
cabin setup. I also need to have a relatively wide range to
cruise (ie not just a small set of islands such as BVIs), though willing to discuss this given my sailing experience which includes 10+ day
blue water sailboat deliveries, open ocean
racing, and many weeks of sail chartering over 35 years (I'm 52). I'd much prefer a
boat which is significantly upgraded from the baseline
charter boat with sail inventory,
electronics, etc. (I am considering
buying a mid 40's Cat so part of my impetus here is evaluating a
live aboard situation and what I'd need/want in my own boat.)
Please provide any thoughts you might have, including any from your own similar experiences! I've done some
research on this board and others and find my needs to be challenging to fill. As information, I have contacted Ron at Seabatticals Long Term Charters, so already have that base covered and am evaluating other options. I'm happy to converse online or speak offline to anyone with particular thoughts! Lastly, as my name implies, we own a beautiful 2nd home in Breckenridge, Colorado (upscale home with 4 BR/3 Bath) which might be worthwhile considering as a
Much thanks!