Good day to all,
The question is where can I get the rubber insert for the rub rail on my 1993 Snowgoose. I live in Shalimar FL and we had a tad of bad
weather here a while back. It has kept me off line and away from my
boat till two weeks ago. I believe they called it
hurricane Ivan. The
boat rode it out pretty well but the
dock was destroyed. Got
power two weeks ago but no
water. Got cable
internet service back yesterday but no TV. You figure that one out! I am told they will finish nailing the boards on the
dock before the first of the year and
water is a week off. That is only two weeks behind schedule as of Monday. But all in all I am one happy camper, I still have my boat which I share with my wife, two
dogs and my son’s cat. Home sweet home! Any way after five foot of water above dock level left me with a rub mark on the aft port
bottom paint and a five foot piece of the rub rail where the rubber took the hit and saved our side. TACO who makes a lot of rub rail products here in the states doesn’t have any thing like what is on my
English made boat. Any one got an address where I might be able to get a replacement?
Help !