Originally Posted by mamo

Pacificbliss owner are here in Turkey right now and I touched them but they want to sell her in September after finishing their trip where they started..I think she must be very tired also..I dont want to wait that much..I have tried to make this decision for five years and this summer I want to sailaway
I will be waiting for your report impatiently 
I am not sure whether you have done enough yr home
work before choosing which cat to go with or not..
Speed is one of the criteria (it may be #1 on yr list) but there are many others, ie. space, comfort,second hand price, servicing in
Turkey or abroad, overall
reliability of the
boat and the
rigging, etc..)
This will all depend on where and how you want to sail..
If speed comes first for you, Catana surely is not the way to go..
Fastcat would easily beat her in this respect for about the same price.. The second hand of value of Catana, however, would be better than
Fastcat and probably be easier to sell.. In terms of volume per feet Lagoons and FP's would be much better..
In short, there are no absolute wrong or rights. Everyone has its own priorities / tastes adn
budget. That's why we have so many different
boats and brands around.. The important is to get the right one for you. If you are planning to make the coastal sailing between Gocek and Bodrum, you'd better go for Lagoon and FP's. Yr friends, yr guests and specifically yr wife will be much better impressed..
If you want to circumnavigate, then you should give a second thought..There are many people who believes that Lagoons and FP' are "lightly" built for that purpose. (I tend to disagree since I've ordered an
Orana 44 and planning a
circumnavigation in 2 to 3 years after some upgrades on the boat)
A final note.. As someone has already mentioned, there is huge price difference between a factory price and loaded prices. In most of the cases, even some basics are not included in the ex factory prices. You can easily spend USD 50 K for a decent upgrade, without even talking about
heating, A/C,
radar, etc..
Good luck..
NB. I am too living in
Istanbul. If you send to me a personal mail, we can further chat about..