I think Articus would be a great
boat for the right
price. It's been
for sale for a long time, I remember seeing when we were looking for a cat in 04.
If they would take 10k and I could get it to Colorado I'd buy it with a
budget of 50k for resto.
ketch rig would be a little more fiddly but the advantage is smaller sails/easier handling. Looks like you could lose the mizzen
mast if you wanted to then add a big chute on a
furler up front and/or a longer boom and main sail. The mizzen might be a PO add-on.
The lack of BD clearance could be an issue but the hulls are also very close together which mitigates that factor, probably rides very similar to sport
boat cats.
interior has alot of potential as well, I think it could make a very nice cruiser. I
recall finding an article about one of these
boats rounding Cape Horn but can't find it at the moment.
Having said all that it is, IMHO, too small for a
retirement home.