i have just bay a Belize 43 F.P. and i want to bay a dinghy as long and big is possible (the engine is a Suzuki 15 hp 4 stroke) that have to fit within the hulls. Of course it must not hit the hulls during navigation.
However i will tie the dinghy therefore the engine will not hit the hull, PLEASE GIVE ME 2 IMPORTANT SUGGEST'S:
- maximum lenght
- brand name and model
I don't own your model of boat, but if I did I would measure the space available and proceed from there to see what is available in that size range that is rated for your engine.
I also recommend removing the outboard from the dinghy for offshore passages. There is a lot less strain on the davits that way.
I don't own your model of boat, but if I did I would measure the space available and proceed from there to see what is available in that size range that is rated for your engine.
I also recommend removing the outboard from the dinghy for offshore passages. There is a lot less strain on the davits that way.
I have the measure of the space, i only need to know the experience for Belize 43 owner to understand how they lift up their tender and how long it is.
The constraint on the dinghy is likely not to be the size of the dinghy, but it's weight. The Davits will be designed for a specific working load, and may also have other descriptors such as safe working load or maximum working load.
Max load, implies that if you overload it will fail immediately
safe working load is not a continuous loading, and will effect the life of the system, but should not be an immediate problem.
I designed my davit system so that one davit was specified capabe of continuous use above the total weight of the dinghy.
When it is bouncing around on the davit when being lifted out of the water, or in rough seas and inadequately secured, there will be a significant snatch load that will be multiply the working load.
When it is raining, the dinghy will probably top up with water, and if you have forgottent the drain plug (again), then the water load can be considerable.
"Be wary of strong drink. It can make you shoot at tax collectors - and miss."
Robert A Heinlein
Yes i agree, max weight on total for the davits is 140 kg then i will stay under 100 kg.
But nobody untill now info me about max lenght for Belize 43 dinghy!!
I still need this info.
Originally Posted by Talbot
The constraint on the dinghy is likely not to be the size of the dinghy, but it's weight. The Davits will be designed for a specific working load, and may also have other descriptors such as safe working load or maximum working load.
Max load, implies that if you overload it will fail immediately
safe working load is not a continuous loading, and will effect the life of the system, but should not be an immediate problem.
I designed my davit system so that one davit was specified capabe of continuous use above the total weight of the dinghy.
When it is bouncing around on the davit when being lifted out of the water, or in rough seas and inadequately secured, there will be a significant snatch load that will be multiply the working load.
When it is raining, the dinghy will probably top up with water, and if you have forgottent the drain plug (again), then the water load can be considerable.
Max length is the distance between your hulls minus about 50 cm to allow for maneuvering. I think the 100Kg will be more of a limitation than the length. Also remember the vertical G forces when you are sailing or motoring in choppy seas - you can easily overload the davits if you get a bad combination.
The light at the end of the tunnel are no longer the headlights of the oncoming train......yippee
here is a photo of our 10' Zodiac on the Belize. It has 8hp and that seems to be plenty. It is pretty heavy as well, but the Davits have never shown any stress.
Also I am sending some photos of the water maker in this post as well. The White box is the genset, it's a 6KW Panda/3 cylinder Kubuto
"Learn the laws so you can break them properly." DL
Hey, one thing, I am having an issue with our boom to goose neck connection. I think that someone changed the hardware. Could you send a photo of your rig so that I can compare ours? We have 1/4 gap on each side of the goose neck/boom and that does not seem normal.
"Learn the laws so you can break them properly." DL
Tanks Meck very interesting, i will ask you a last thing, cane you send me the photos as big as you cane at my emailg.sonnino@libero.it. They are to small in this forum, i can't see good your istallation...
Sorry for my englisch...
Meck another question: i see you have a fiberglass tent (sorry i do not know the real name in english) with tent i mean the cover from sun over the table outside where is the stearing. Is this tent in fiberglass original F.P. or home made from you? Where cane i bay it?
Another question: i see near the Zodiac a blue cover wich take spase near the outboard engine and take space off from the hull's. So my question is this: if i will renforce the fiberglas around the Davits and renforce the Davits with inox material do you know the maximum leght i cane fit for a Zodiac with the engine alwais on it?
The cat is 200 km from me wen i will go on board i will take photos. Please using very easy worlds repeat wich photo you need.
Originally Posted by Meck
Hey, one thing, I am having an issue with our boom to goose neck connection. I think that someone changed the hardware. Could you send a photo of your rig so that I can compare ours? We have 1/4 gap on each side of the goose neck/boom and that does not seem normal.
I have got a couple of pic's from our Belize that might help you. Don't if they show but if someone can help in the attachment proicess it would be great!
I also noticed your hard bimini, I'm in the process of having one built here in Norway and would appreciate a little description of how it is put together and some pic's if possible, the more the better.
Also to all you Belize ovners, it would be great if you join in on the Belize thread on this forum. Together is strong! In the sence that we can all help each other with all issues pertinent to our boats.
Also re the dingy issue I posted a little note on this on friday but it never appeared on the thread.
My advice for the best RIB solution is to use the New Zealand produced Super Light 13'. These RIB's uses an aluminium bottom. That boat is lighter than a GRP bottom types of 10'