I think of production Monohulls Contest are the nicest, Swans are lovely - Halberg Rassy also nice but too old
school design wise for me.
Oyster and Discovery I think are a slight notch down in terms of joinery - still high quality boats way above a
Beneteau etc.
I bought a cat for performance and space - the fast cats make a different design choice compared to the monos. For example Gunboat has excellent quality, but is all laminated and lightweight, it has a different feel to a Contest or Swan, but that is deliberate.
I haven't been on the Discovery 50 cat, but would imagine that the joinery quality carries through from their monos.
Outremer has I think higher joinery quality than a FP or a Lagoon, but not as high as a Gunboat (but it is $1M less than a GB60). The 5X does take the same lightweight approach - the light boat
displacement is only 13T, we are at 15T with Genset,
Watermaker etc.
I didn't look at privilege closely or sunreef either, but both of those would seem to fit the higher quality bill in exchange for weight. The sunreef 58 for example displaces 26T.