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Old 11-03-2024, 12:58   #151
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re: HH 44 by the Wynns

Why worry about depreciation if you are buying a new boat. You either want one or don't. If depreciation is the make or break to buy one then you didn't want one to start with and are looking for excuses to not pull the trigger.
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Old 11-03-2024, 14:49   #152

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re: HH 44 by the Wynns

Just skimmed thru their latest vid… they are pushing mental health therapist treatments….

What does that have to do with sailing or new catamarans?

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Old 11-03-2024, 14:56   #153
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re: HH 44 by the Wynns

Originally Posted by massnspace View Post
Just skimmed thru their latest vid… they are pushing mental therapist treatments….

What does that have to do with sailing?
What does USAA have to do with the NFL or Tide with the NBA? Just another company running ads in videos trying to sell their product.

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Old 11-03-2024, 15:28   #154
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re: HH 44 by the Wynns

Originally Posted by massnspace View Post
Just skimmed thru their latest vid… they are pushing mental health therapist treatments….

What does that have to do with sailing or new catamarans?

Actually others including some of the top sailing You Tube channels like Delos and La Vagabond have posted about having some mental issues (at least the woman have) and pushed some of those therapist programs. Perhaps the sailing life heading to exotic locales is not the stress free lifestyle that many think it is.
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Old 11-03-2024, 15:41   #155

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re: HH 44 by the Wynns

Originally Posted by mbianka View Post
Actually others including some of the top sailing You Tube channels like Delos and La Vagabond have posted about having some mental issues (at least the woman have) and pushed some of those therapist programs. Perhaps the sailing life heading to exotic locales is not the stress free lifestyle that many think it is.

This is just another example of Big Pharma selling their pills/services thru whatever means possible. Look around….its everywhere. Even now infiltrating sailing channels.

Hard to feel that owning a brand new, extremely expensive cat is “stressful”….
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Old 11-03-2024, 15:52   #156
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re: HH 44 by the Wynns

Originally Posted by CaptainPete222 View Post
You’re assuming that the Wynns’ got a pretty massive discount on their boat to not take a depreciation hit. Maybe, but maybe they just get paid a yearly promotion fee in lieu of a discount. If I owned HH, I’d do it that way so that I could keep a tight leash on what they are saying and to make sure their are doing the promoting I want them to do. There are most certainly many ways that the Wynns will come away with less of a hit on their net income by virtue of the boat/lifestyle being part of their business, tax savings, etc. How much less of a hit than the 189k someone who just buys an HH44 would take (instead of an older, less expensive comparably-sized cat) is at best a guess. I’m fairly confident that if you aren’t the Wynns you’ll see a decrease in your net worth of over $200,000 per year by buying an HH44. If losses like that are not an issue for you, then, as you say, no big deal.

As to your comment about taking out a loan and paying interest vs lost opportunity cost of tying up 1.6M: Interest rates are higher on boats than the 7% fairly conservative return you can expect from investing your money in the stock market and/or real estate.

Btw, actual losses over the last four years by tying up 1M in a boat vs having it in the stock market or real estate were much, much greater. People who sold their homes and put that money into a boat experienced significantly higher lost opportunity costs.
AFAIK according to what they’ve said in their videos the Wynns paid regular retail for the boat (USD 965 or so, plus whatever extra the hybrid option, dishwasher, etc add up to) with no influencer discount.

As for opportunity cost, they wanted a shiny new home with which they earn their living, so one could argue that the two year wait for their new boat was about as long as they could go without new sailing content. Same as RR2 - it’s hard to stay relevant without tropical travel content while a new boat is building.
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Old 11-03-2024, 15:56   #157
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re: HH 44 by the Wynns

Originally Posted by massnspace View Post

This is just another example of Big Pharma selling their pills/services thru whatever means possible. Look around….its everywhere. Even now infiltrating sailing channels.

Hard to feel that owning a brand new, extremely expensive cat is “stressful”….
It’s also an example of lifestyle products making their way into the genre of sailing influencers. I’m sure we’ll see more sponsors with lifestyle products for middle/upper income America and Europe. Similar as for the greens powder that several of the channels are promoting. And of course VPN solutions - these are also travel channels.
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Old 11-03-2024, 16:08   #158
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re: HH 44 by the Wynns

Originally Posted by SandyLuke View Post
I have seen posts of yours that you keep mentioning that the boats (1370 and now HH44) will disappoint in sailing. Not sure how you come to that conclusion. I was at the RR2 launch and we went out on a sail with 24 people on board (plus it was already loaded with RR2 stuff) and we had about 8-9 knots of wind and the boat was sailing at 5knots. That was impressive given the heavily loaded boat. RR2 are new to the boat and sailing cats, so they are on a learning curve and not extracting the best from the boat and being cautious. Other owners who recently received their boats and are experienced cat owners are very happy with their performance.
Recently received is the key.

The H44 is relatively heavy and not very powerful and has mini-keels, plus the drag of regen propellers. Their boat is very fine forward and wide in the sterns - good for higher speeds but drag at lower speeds and promoting hobby horsing. So light air sailing won’t be super. Mid strength wind performance will be OK but not super, again due to all the stuff they will add to their boat, which is simply a factor of living aboard. The performance should be significantly better than their Leopard 43, so that will keep them happy. 5 knots maximum motoring is a worry.

Regarding RR2, again, they haven’t yet loaded the boat for cruising. But we can see in every video while sailing lots of heavy turbulence out back of the sterns - that implies drag. And the amount of motor sailing they’re doing does not imply that they’re enjoying the sailing - he’s already emphatically stated that they won’t be sailing to windward. Yes, they do need to learn to sail (and anchor!) the cat and the performance will improve. But with mini keels it won’t be awesome.
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Old 11-03-2024, 19:50   #159
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re: HH 44 by the Wynns

Originally Posted by massnspace View Post

This is just another example of Big Pharma selling their pills/services thru whatever means possible. Look around….its everywhere. Even now infiltrating sailing channels.

Hard to feel that owning a brand new, extremely expensive cat is “stressful”….
What does a mental health therapy company have to do with Big Pharma? They are pushing connecting to licensed therapists not meds. Don’t have a horse in the race on this off topic rant but at least watch the ad if you’re going to comment
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Old 12-03-2024, 05:52   #160
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re: HH 44 by the Wynns

Originally Posted by Cheyne View Post
Why worry about depreciation if you are buying a new boat. You either want one or don't. If depreciation is the make or break to buy one then you didn't want one to start with and are looking for excuses to not pull the trigger.
If $80,000 in depreciation from buying a new HH44 along with the other 120k in costs are listed under "other expenses" on your retirement calculator and you didn't have to adjust upward the number of years you need to work to get the AI thumbs up about your retirement plans, then, great. (Or if you don't even need to use a retirement calculator because you've done really, really well or inherited a big chunk of money, then, even better.). Or if you did have to adjust the number of years you have to work upward to make 200k in yearly expenses to own a HH44 and you like what you do to make money and don't mind working more years, that's great too. Seems like it makes sense to go into a 1.6M purchase with eyes wide open about the financial consequences, regardless. I know a few people who don't have to even use a retirement calculator to know things are rosy. I know even more people who think they are one of those people, but only because they think the massive gains from their investment portfolios in recent years will continue forever.

And let's just say you're in the category of not needing to use a retirement calculator to know where things stand or you don't mind working more years to get that HH44, it seems worthwhile to at least know the size of the hole in the water you're dumping your money into because there are choices you can make about how you want to part with 200k per year. One such choice that I've been thinking a lot about lately is the amount that I'll need to give the kiddos if they ever want to own a home of their own. Scary and getting scarier.
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Old 12-03-2024, 10:07   #161
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re: HH 44 by the Wynns

Originally Posted by massnspace View Post
Just skimmed thru their latest vid… they are pushing mental health therapist treatments….

What does that have to do with sailing or new catamarans?

Do you work for free? When you cash that paycheque, do you shame yourself that you were a sellout?

They are content creators, this is their job. They make content that anyone can choose to watch. They offer their content for free on a platform that allows them to monetize. They were doing it long before they got into sailing.

It is the furthest thing from selling out, this is what is known as making a living, earning income, monetizing... you know, the thing everyone one of us does unless you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth.

Personally, I appreciate the personal ads that they do, I think it is great that they get 100% of that ad revenue instead of a tiny percentage in royalties from YouTube kickbacks.

It is a lot of work to make good videos for a living and damn straight they should make as much money as they can.
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Old 14-03-2024, 08:22   #162
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re: HH 44 by the Wynns

Originally Posted by CaptainPete222 View Post
If $80,000 in depreciation from buying a new HH44 along with the other 120k in costs are listed under "other expenses" on your retirement calculator and you didn't have to adjust upward the number of years you need to work to get the AI thumbs up about your retirement plans, then, great. (Or if you don't even need to use a retirement calculator because you've done really, really well or inherited a big chunk of money, then, even better.). Or if you did have to adjust the number of years you have to work upward to make 200k in yearly expenses to own a HH44 and you like what you do to make money and don't mind working more years, that's great too. Seems like it makes sense to go into a 1.6M purchase with eyes wide open about the financial consequences, regardless. I know a few people who don't have to even use a retirement calculator to know things are rosy. I know even more people who think they are one of those people, but only because they think the massive gains from their investment portfolios in recent years will continue forever.

And let's just say you're in the category of not needing to use a retirement calculator to know where things stand or you don't mind working more years to get that HH44, it seems worthwhile to at least know the size of the hole in the water you're dumping your money into because there are choices you can make about how you want to part with 200k per year. One such choice that I've been thinking a lot about lately is the amount that I'll need to give the kiddos if they ever want to own a home of their own. Scary and getting scarier.
I think there are a lot more people out there in this category than you might imagine. My position has always been I'm happy for those who've done better than me and I wonder what sort of widget they invented or what particular skill they have that propelled them to success. (my skill is much less exciting than what they do that is for sure!)

I mean if we anchored next to the Wynn's they'd look over from their HH44 in jealousy at a much more well equipped, expensive, sleeker, faster, bigger boat, and wonder who the hell are these jokers...they don't even have a YouTube channel! We'd look over and say OMG there are the Wynn's, we'd share a sundowners & swap a story or two, Nikky would play the ukelele, and my wife would play the guitar and have a wonderful time. We'd go our separate ways and have added yet more friends to our ever-growing list of like-minded cruisers.

The Wynn's did state in a video a couple years ago now that they did receive a small discount (10% I believe) but did state part of that deal is complete autonomy to make whatever videos they like without any input from HH. They work full time making videos and stated they take 1 day off a week. Hopefully they are young and hopefully socking some of those YouTube dollars away for retirement for when they no longer want to keep making videos, but in the meantime, they've had a freaking amazing life.

So the boat they purchased for probably $1.1M is worth $1.5M if they had to sell it today, in 5-6 years with inflation a new HH44 will be north of $2M and do you really think their boat would sell for $600K in 2029? A Lagoon or Leopard that are mass produced charter boats and glued together yes, they do have a different depreciation curve.
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Old 14-03-2024, 11:39   #163
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re: HH 44 by the Wynns

Originally Posted by Kinkircating View Post
So the boat they purchased for probably $1.1M is worth $1.5M if they had to sell it today, in 5-6 years with inflation a new HH44 will be north of $2M and do you really think their boat would sell for $600K in 2029? A Lagoon or Leopard that are mass produced charter boats and glued together yes, they do have a different depreciation curve.
Looks at the value of gunboat 48s.... High end builds retain value well if well looked after.
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Old 14-03-2024, 12:07   #164
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re: HH 44 by the Wynns

Originally Posted by massnspace View Post
Just skimmed thru their latest vid… they are pushing mental health therapist treatments….
Most of the mainstream youtube sailing channels are doing this. AG1 supplements or mental health tools seems to be the most common in channel ads.
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Old 14-03-2024, 12:12   #165
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re: HH 44 by the Wynns

Originally Posted by JustMurph View Post
Looks at the value of gunboat 48s.... High end builds retain value well if well looked after.
Exactly, not saying the HH44OC is going to have the legendary status and track record that a GB48 has had, but they originally sold for $1.3M, 20 years later they worth within 5-7% of what they sold for new.

Now take the equivalent of the day, a Lagoon 500 well equipped sold for $850k when new and today can be picked up for $400k, that's a greater than 50% haircut. But it's apples and oranges, because nobody was cross shopping Lagoon 500's with Gunboats back then either.
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