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Old 11-04-2012, 15:25   #1
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Cruising plans and Dreams of Partnership Possibilities

Plans and Exploration of Possibilities.
Background: We are a retired couple and dedicated catamaran owners planning on extensive cruising. I am an Australian and my First Mate (or “she who must be obeyed”) is American; we live in MD. We currently own a Fountaine Pajot Lavezzi 40, Maestro version docked just off the West River. We are looking for a couple for long-term Blue Water cruising. Age is irrelevant but experience is not; however, we are willing to work with an inexperienced couple willing to learn. Single experienced crew are also welcome to respond.

Plans: We are working towards a circumnavigation with the World ARC starting in April 2014 (see itinerary: World Cruising Club: World Arc itinerary

We are currently preparing ourselves and the boat for the circumnavigation. As part of that preparation, we will be doing as much coastal cruising as possible over this sailing season along the east coast USA. This will provide the opportunity to check-out potential compatible crew. Cruising this coming winter in the Caribbean is also a possibility.

On the other hand.

Exploration of Possibilities: While the Lavezzi is comfortable and reasonably fast, we all (or a least this Skipper) have dreams. First, we are considering a newer Orana 44 with much of the equipment needed for passage-making already installed rather than putting money into the Lazezzi – more comfort and 'style' but, so I am told, some sacrifice in speed. This possibility will depend on the sale of the Lavezzi, which will need to happen soon so we are fully up to speed on the new boat before we tackle the circumnavigation. I have had a few ‘bites’ on the Lavezzi even before formally declaring her on the market. It’s a hard decision since we really love this boat.

Another dream?: Perhaps there are one or two or even three couples like us, willing to put some effort and money into a few years of adventure. Perhaps we could have a partnership arrangement and get a really comfortable, fast, classy boat like this (http://www.catamarans-fountaine-pajo...7_brochure.pdf) or like this one Catamaran 2011 Alibi Catamaran For Sale

or (insert dream boat here). Forget about seeing the world on the QE II let’s do it on our boat?

Let’s hear from you. Advice and comments welcomed.


When all is said and done there will be more said than done.
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Old 12-04-2012, 00:43   #2
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Re: Cruising plans and Dreams of Partnership Possibilities

Just something for you to think about... My wife and I did World ARC 2010-2011 and I can say, categorically, the happiest boats were those crewed by husband and wife teams with no one else aboard.

As soon as anyone else was added into the mix tensions arose and crew swapping or unexpected departures happened regularly.

I'm not saying don't do it with crew. I am saying try hard to make it just the two of you.
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Old 12-04-2012, 07:39   #3
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Re: Cruising plans and Dreams of Partnership Possibilities

Thanks Mike. Certainly something to think about. Did you find the watch schedule with just the two of you was too tiring?
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Old 12-04-2012, 11:16   #4
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Re: Cruising plans and Dreams of Partnership Possibilities

Originally Posted by Kookaburra View Post
Thanks Mike. Certainly something to think about. Did you find the watch schedule with just the two of you was too tiring?
We did find the watch schedule too tiring at first.

We started off with 3 on, 3 off. Then went to 4 on, 4 off. Finally found the ideal at 5 on, 5 off with watches at 21.00 - 02.00 and 02.00-07.00 then informal during daylight hours. This gave a reasonable length of sleep at night and a couple of hours nap during the day.

These sound long but we stayed in the salon during a watch and watched movies on a pc, while sitting so that we could see the radar and AIS screens and setting an alarm to remind us to go and look around every 15 minutes. Worked like a dream.

Check out Sailing Jeannius starting January 2010 for my wife's account of the adventure.

We'll be visiting friends in Maryland - who also did WARC - during the summer so maybe we'll see you then.
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Old 12-04-2012, 16:35   #5
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Re: Cruising plans and Dreams of Partnership Possibilities

Thanks Mike. Would love to catch up with you to pick your brains when you are in the MD area. You might contact me privately with details.

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Old 12-04-2012, 23:17   #6
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Re: Cruising plans and Dreams of Partnership Possibilities

Not that it should have any effect on your plans.... But might be worth an osmosis check? Had a Lavessi which got the pox after only three years... Seems that it was a problem with many of them..

As to crew wehade removed all the guest bunks to keep visitors at bay!!! We also plan 5 hour watch..

Leaving in Sept... Good luck
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Old 13-04-2012, 01:33   #7
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Re: Cruising plans and Dreams of Partnership Possibilities

Originally Posted by Tomahawk View Post
As to crew wehade removed all the guest bunks to keep visitors at bay!!! We also plan 5 hour watch..

Leaving in Sept... Good luck
Don't remove too many. We found we moved around the cabins according to weather conditions. Generally the bow cabins were better as of course we were mostly downwind but we did have long periods of beam-on conditions and then it was much better to be in a leewward cabin. Luckily we had 4 cabins to choose from

Kookaburra... We are heading straight to Maine from the Caribbean, then working our way south. I'll PM you when I know when we'll be in your area.
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Old 13-04-2012, 06:45   #8
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Re: Cruising plans and Dreams of Partnership Possibilities

Yes FP's certainly seem to have had some issues with Osmosis - they have been discussed elsewhere on CF. Our Lavezzi is 2003 - surveyor checked it out when we bought her and she had a few blisters that we have fixed. So I think we are OK. Osmosis on Orana's has also been an issue. I think FP have it under control now and apparently they have a good record of fixing the problem under their warranty.

Our crew issues are that we are both not as nimble as we used to be. First Mate is an extremely conservative sailor: you know the rule about the time to reef is when you first think of it? Well she seems to wake up each day and wonders wether we should reef. So she always has the situation covered! Seriously, I think we have a good balance - I am not as conservative as she is so I think we end up making good decisions - albeit sometimes delayed by extensive analysis. Her main concern is her physical ability to single hand on a passage in the event that I am disabled or overboard. I, on the other hand, would be happy to do the WARC just as a couple. So negotiations and analysis are still in progress.

Jeannius: Look forward to hearing from you when you hit the Chesapeake Bay. Be careful of those crab pots in Maine.
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Old 13-04-2012, 07:10   #9
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Re: Cruising plans and Dreams of Partnership Possibilities

Yes FP did fix the problem under warranty.. And even issued a new one to cover the "fix" .. well done them!! And very glad you are sorted..

We do understand the health issues.. My first Officer has arthritis in one shoulder and repeat strain injury on the other wrist.. she is really quite weak on the boat..

As to the issue about single handing.. You can use the anchor winch to pull the mainsail up the stick... That is the hardest job of all... once it is up, then sheeting in sails is mostly a case of time.. You don't need to leave the cockpit to sail her and the cockpit is really huge so you would have to try VERY hard to go for a swim,, We have had ours out in an English Channel blow force six surfing very large waves.. looked terrifying but she simply rode over them!!!

The only time it would get very difficult is putting in a reef if you left it too late such as a sudden squall in otherwise clear sky.. even then the working space at the mast is in the middle of the boat. Again you are very well protected from a dunk.. (though not getting wet). It may be worth looking at how you can also use the anchor winch to take up the reefing lines..

Good Luck
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Old 13-04-2012, 07:27   #10
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Re: Cruising plans and Dreams of Partnership Possibilities

We wanted to try to arrange things so we didn't have to leave the cockpit for any ail handling. So...

We had all the mainsail handling modified so everything came back to the cockpit... all reef lines, topping lift, outhaul, main halyard. We also added a downhaul so that we could bring the main down even if it was full of wind.

We also decided not to use any special downwind sails so fitted a second, old, genoa to the headsail foil so that we could go goosewinged (wing and wing to you Americans) and, again, not have to leave the cockpit.

My wife is not a confident sailor and I've got more and more conservative as time has gone on. So at night time, if the main was up at all, it was always double reefed.
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Old 13-04-2012, 07:58   #11
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Re: Cruising plans and Dreams of Partnership Possibilities

Thanks Tomahawk - similar crew issues for us.
On the anchor windlass: I was aware that that was a possibility so I gave it a try. Main halyard was almost exactly half way up when it slipped off the smooth section onto the chain section and was cut neatly in half. Have not tried it since. As you know the main halyard is quite long and we had plenty to spare, but getting cut in the middle now means I have two good lengths of nearly new halyard line! They might fit the Genoa or the screecher halyard so all is not lost.
I sailed Platypuss up from the BVI to the Chesapeake and I was impressed with her sea worthiness too - no force 6 gales though! Even so, the creaking and groaning of the tightly fitted wooden trim in the cabins was deafening. We unscrewed them and that solved the problem. Thinking about shaving them down and putting some silicone beading on them to reduce the noise.
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Old 13-04-2012, 08:07   #12
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Re: Cruising plans and Dreams of Partnership Possibilities

Jennius: That sail handling set up sounds interesting. At present we have to go to the mast to clip the reef cringles on but everything else comes back to the cockpit. How did you arrange the down haul? Do you have a line from the third reef cringle through a block at the foot of the mast then back to the cockpit?
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Old 13-04-2012, 10:09   #13
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Re: Cruising plans and Dreams of Partnership Possibilities

Connie and I have always done our long watchs during the day. I do most all needed repairs during my day watchs, and sleep some during my off day watch, then cook and relieve connie! I do the first dog watch and the mid and connie has the second dog, and first light. she sleeps when ever she feels the need off watch ! we do run a easy watch secd and try to keep at sea time to less then 15 or less days if possible to reduce tiredness !! we really like to spend a week or so at ancorages, if possible or if needed. We are getting older but I need less sleep !! and Connie needs more !! LOL it works out tho ! at least for us. And we always reduce sail at night no matter what !!
Bob and Connie
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Old 14-04-2012, 00:46   #14
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Re: Cruising plans and Dreams of Partnership Possibilities

Kookaburra... I attach the downhaul to the top car on the main, down to a block at the foot of the mast and then along the coachroof to a clutch by the electric sheet winch.

All the main-handling modifications were designed and implemented by Turbulence Sails down in Grenada. These included...

Custom made mast bracket to take 6 heavy duty Harken blocks.
6 new Lewmar clutches
New Spectra reefing lines as the old ones weren't long enough.
New line for the downhaul.

Modifying the boom so the reefing lines came out the side near the gooseneck, round boom mounted blocks and up to blocks fitted to the sail at the reefing points, then back down to the mast mounted block, across the coachroof to Lewmar clutches at the sheet winches. This gave me single line reefing all done from the cockpit. I'll try and find photos as it'll be easier to understand.

Total bill was around US$3k. Best money I've ever spent on the boat.
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Old 14-04-2012, 01:51   #15
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Re: Cruising plans and Dreams of Partnership Possibilities

What about bringing on extra crew only for the longer legs? and planning your voyages with that in mind - downside is a bit hit and miss on crew compatability, the upside is that you are not stuck with them for a year (or more?) as you would be with a co-owner.....and most of your trip will not be spent on long passages so mostly won't need the extra hands / eyes.

IME you really don't get to know someone / whether you can live with them in a confined space (and vice verse!) until you have done so 24/7 (and any boat, not matter the size is a confined space).

Anyway, just an idea.
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