The Quasar has an absolutely monstrous genny, and I would be very wary of getting that genny down on my own in a blow with hanks.
Singlehanding such a setup will be a real challenge, and even if you have your partner with you, you are really
singlehanding much of the time, just doing it in shifts. I would not like to ask my wife to change a Quasar's genny when the
wind blows up.
I am not sure of how you will be using a light air genny, then swapping to the 105%er and then the staysail.
I would think that this
boat would be fine with its 105% genny for most winds, an assy or symmetrical for deep downwind and then a largish staysail for when it blows up. I like having different headies, they
work well, but I am not sure how a laminate genny with full battens is going to be anything but a huge pain in the bum to set and stow. A laminate nice 105% er with a largish staysail would seem to have a good range.
I don't get the downhaul idea for a heady. I have to go forward and bundle the sail in ties anyway, maybe it is a size thing but I have always just pulled headsails down at the luff and grabbed them there. I may be missing something.
I am not trying to be a smart arse. I have done so many things wrong when I was absolutley positive I was right, I am louder with my dissenting views nowdays. Considering that all of the Quasars I see have furlers, you seem to be going out on a limb with your choices. That is usually a "brave" thing to do, and costly if you are wrong. Would it not be simpler just to
work out how to get the
furler to work better? Bear away onto a broad reach each time perhaps?