Marine Rescue NSW Facebook Page
Three crew on board an 11 metre
catamaran en
route to Bermagui had a dramatic
rescue today (30 Nov 2021) after their vessel, purchased just days earlier, began taking on
water after hitting a sunfish13 nautical miles east of Green Island near Ulladulla.
The crew of the
catamaran sent out a Mayday at 1255 and activated their
EPIRB, climbing into two dinghies to await rescue.
Marine Rescue Ulladulla rescue vessel UL30 was responded, and with guidance from a Royal Australian
Navy helicopter from HMAS Albatross that had been deployed to assist, and the signal from the crew's
EPIRB, quickly located the striken vessel. The Naval helicopter remained after their arrival with life rafts ready to drop should they have been required.
Arriving at the stricken catamaran just after 2pm, UL30 took the crew of three on board and then delivered them safely back to dry land at Ulladulla, with all on board safe and well.
A securite is
current for all ships in the area advising a navigational hazard from the sinking vessel at 35 17.427 South 150 46.656 East.
The crew on UL30 were
Skipper Lesley Kelly, Warwick Haslam, Mark Squires, Clive Woodward and
radio operator Allan Dean and Watch Officer Keven Marshall.
Speculation so far....
Vessel appears to be a
Seawind, possibly a 1000XL.
The sunfish most likely tore the
rudder off to allow
water ingress, unlikely that the
hull was holed.