Since I see one yard at 20'5", I assume this is the threshold.
I think there are several lower Chesapeake yards capable of cats wider than that, not listed.
Marine in Portsmouth has a Travelift (more importantly, the slip width) around 24 feet, and if that's not enough, their huge Syncrolift is I think 40 feet wide, if they are interested in hauling you at the time.
Ocean Marine Yacht Center
Chesapeake Yachts had a Travelift, the slip of which my
boat at 25 ft wide could not quite enter. They also have (or at least had) a hydraulic
trailer that could haul out a cat.
A yard in Little Creek has a wide Travelift, but not wide enough for me.
Ditto for Severn River
Marine off Mobjack Bay.
I'm about to be hauled at the yard (listed) at Cape Charles, VA, but I think the max beam is more like 25' 6" or 8".
And there are a couple of HUGE Travelifts in Norfolk, for mega yachts, but I think they assume (correctly, probably) that no sailor would pay what they would need to charge.