Greetings all
Self delusion is an important element in boat building and publishing! No rational person would take on either! So don't give me your logic and good sense... stuff that I say!
Seriously, one of the
boats finished in the article was done by a 55 year old (at launch, took 18 months) bloke and I know more examples... it's horses for courses.
On robots, Talbot is correct in my opinion. The building process will remain one of relitive custom build. The closest thing to assembly line is the Fusion 40. They have a slick process for the shell but after that it's same ole..
Asian build?? Yes, it can be done. Mark Prescott is building in Chalong Bay, Phuket with success but he lives there to supervise. Fusion is also moving to
Thailand. Check next TCP for the whole scoop. However, it can go horribly wrong.
An Aussie company of limited experience and craft took their wanna bee operation to
China with much fan fare and promise and delivered back one boat only so far that was the laughing stock of the recent
boat show on the Gold Coast. A total dissaster and the worst boat I have ever seen, including amatuer attempts. More on that
turkey later. MUCH MORE!!
And chris31415.... I checked your link. I'm going to check with the
skipper in question but I think I know the boat you are talking about there. I recieved a report from a
delivery skipper last year that was contracted to deliver a philipine built cat from darwin to
brisbane and the boat was so bad he turned around and came back and walked away from the job saying the boat was no good. Among other things.. no keels.. no windward ability at all. Poor design altogether. He was really angry about the whole thing. I'll be mailing him today to find out. He is in Louiseades now.