Originally Posted by Stillraining
OK Question...how the heck do you reduce wing?
I don't think they have to reduce wing. If you look closer these are in fact two separate wings on two "masts"(?).
There is a gap between them and I reckon that both wings can act like flaps to direct the airflow. If they can make the gap bigger it will help to reduce the efect of gusts and make the wing less efficient in strong winds.
Also the black winglets/vortex generators in the middle are attached to the middle
mast and the main wing has slots implying that it can move just like the flaps on the airplane. Therefore it can also
work as a spoiler.
The second wing is divided into sections which will allow for various angle settings. This machine can in fact hove to if required

This is not just a wing. It is as a very complicated wing. I can’t wait to see it flying...