I would not venture to tell you which "expert opinions" to look for on YouTube, as I have found practically none of them useful.
What we did find useful was watching the videos on BoatTube. They were not reviews, just tours. By watching these, it gave us a good idea of the various layouts offered by manufacturers, the appearance of the interiors,
storage, etc. It gave us a much better idea of what features we liked or didn't care for.
We then backed this up with a bit of
research on market pricing, new and used. Once we had it narrowed down a bit, we took the time and went to the
Miami boat show so we could do all the touchy feely stuff. We got to tour everything from
Lagoon, FP,
Leopard, and even a
Privilege. This gave us at least some idea of build quality vs.
price on new
boats anyway. So after all of this, we finally narrowed our options to maybe 3
boats that we liked, suited our purpose and could afford. We started
shopping, and as luck would have it, when our boat became available, ( it was on the short list ) we went for a sail and made the decision to
Long story short ( I know...too late ) listening to someone else's opinion might be good for some, but I have never had the willingness to spend such vast amounts of
money because someone else liked something. You have to go see each boat on your list, touch it, feel it, sit on the
head, etc.
Charter one like it if available to see if you like the way it
noise levels underway, comfort, etc. After all of this, you will be as much of an expert than all these YouTubers trying to get a