27-07-2021, 10:40
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Re: Best Reviews on YouTube.
Originally Posted by Sand crab
They have the experience to rate boats and a cat is just a different type of boat.
I've been driving cars for the better part of fifty years......... However, my reviews of Formula One race cars will probably be dismissed...... as I've never driven one...........
28-07-2021, 10:45
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Re: Best Reviews on YouTube.
Originally Posted by Davy J
I've been driving cars for the better part of fifty years......... However, my reviews of Formula One race cars will probably be dismissed...... as I've never driven one........... 
Whoa, you’re old. Yeah, good analogy though. Off topic, but I recently learned that F1 car engines are so tight tolerances that they are actually seized at room temp, so before turning over they get hooked up to a machine that pumps hot fluids through them to get them to operating temp before they even get started.
28-07-2021, 11:58
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Re: Best Reviews on YouTube.
Learning the lines has a few good catamaran reviews.
28-07-2021, 13:02
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Re: Best Reviews on YouTube.
I really wouldn't rely on a single review. Your best bet is to find / watch as many reviews on the same boat as possible to see what each reviewer notes as the positives and negatives. Then you can decide for yourself whether those positives or negatives resonate with your sailing goals. Every boat is going to be an exercise in design tradeoffs: cost, sailing performance vs. interior space and carrying capacity, usage of available space, etc. Only you can decide which tradeoffs are going to be right for the kind of cruising you intend to do.
That being said, I've definitely found all the mentioned reviews useful (O'Kellys, GTFO, RR, etc.), even if I disagreed with their conclusions. And even after watching all those reviews, you've got to get out there and sail some cats (not walk through them, sail them). Then again, maybe you don't need to sail them if you don't plan to leave the dock! Only you can decide!
30-07-2021, 07:37
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Re: Best Reviews on YouTube.
Try Sailing Delos. They went from Beneteau to a 60’ Outremer Catamaran and have a Rapido 60 Trimaran built as I write this. He and his wife have sailed 10’s of thousands of miles on the Outemer.
30-07-2021, 08:12
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Re: Best Reviews on YouTube.
I find most of these “reviews” not particularly objective, and have yet to see or hear a boat owner say they dislike their boat and would never buy it again.
30-07-2021, 08:15
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Re: Best Reviews on YouTube.
Originally Posted by Happ
Try Sailing Delos. They went from Beneteau to a 60’ Outremer Catamaran and have a Rapido 60 Trimaran built as I write this. He and his wife have sailed 10’s of thousands of miles on the Outemer.
Delos has been sailing an Amel since they started, with no change in sight. I think you're talking about La Vagabonde.
30-07-2021, 11:14
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Re: Best Reviews on YouTube.
Best advice I can give is that anyone else's reviews will be very personal to their individual experiences with their particular boat, or due to their own personal preferences. As such, you should go to boat shows to see a range of brands and if possible get some sailing time on your preferred options, remembering though, pretty well all owners will like their own boat. Relying on YT reviews, while they are interesting, should not be the basis for such a huge decision.
Start with your budget. If you have biblically-deep pockets, you can include the more expensive brands such as Outremer, Balance, Exquisite etc into your consideration. Remember, that the simpler the systems on board, the less there is to go wrong. A brand deemed high quality will not necessarily out-perform another in terms of maintenance. At best, it is a matter of probabilities.
In my view, the big difference in most of the high end cats versus what are referred-to as the "charter" types is performance. If you are regularly crossing oceans, this is a great advantage. If you, like most of us, spend way more time on the hook, the high performance option may not be good value for you.
Before my daughter was born, a colleague at work gave me great advice about raising a child. "Listen to everyone's advice, then forget it all and do it your way". Same applies to boats
30-07-2021, 12:01
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Re: Best Reviews on YouTube.
Will also caution you on the reviews as well. They often do more selling and sharing the positives than the negatives. Assuming you are looking at a production catamaran rather than a semi-custom HH, Outremer or Privilege. If these are in your cards, then have fun picking out one of those. If you are looking for a lower cost model then consider charting or viewing a few in person if possible. Deal breakers for me was the separation of the lines / winches from the steering wheel in Fountaine Pajots, the pole in the middle of the salon for Lagoons, and solid foredeck on Bali cats. These are likely little “meaningless” things for some people, but not others. Often you will not be able to figure out what is really important or a “deal breaker” for you until you walk on them.
Have fun with the process,
2016 Leopard 44
30-07-2021, 15:18
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Re: Best Reviews on YouTube.
Originally Posted by Sand crab
Ruby Rose did 10 reviews of boats recently. They also switched from a mono to a new Seawind 1370 which is still being built. They have been full time sailing for about 7 years now so are pretty competent about boat life.
And who were that other couple that actually contracted a few boats before rejecting them for various reasons. They spent a few bucks on that "adventure in buying". Maybe someone can jog my memory?
Sailing Off Duty
Ruby Rose
All these have reviewed cats and are not motivated as described by some answering this thread.
30-07-2021, 15:50
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Re: Best Reviews on YouTube.
Originally Posted by lyl
Are you talking to me?
I think it was one of the YouTube evaluations but if the shoe fits wear it.:
31-07-2021, 00:23
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Re: Best Reviews on YouTube.
wow things do become complicated...there are very few bad boats out there and before you judge that statement think carefully...pitting boat against boat is like fitting shapes into shapes instead of holes...what one would perceive as a bad sailor ,liveaboard .oceancrosser ...will end up at the end of your list....then you hear its in your price range of 5k on a small dam where you intend sailing..etc etc...and wolla ...the boat is at the top of the list....review your needs and the boat will fall into place
31-07-2021, 04:52
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Re: Best Reviews on YouTube.
Originally Posted by BCCLover
Delos has been sailing an Amel since they started, with no change in sight. I think you're talking about La Vagabonde.
This post was quoting Happs post in which he stated that Delos had a 60' Outremer. I also think he meant LV and it's an Outremer 45.
Slowly going senile but enjoying the ride.
02-08-2021, 09:59
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Re: Best Reviews on YouTube.
This is totally impartial
06-08-2021, 08:26
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Re: Best Reviews on YouTube.
Originally Posted by boatman61
dont see much of them anymore .
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