Any knowledge would be appreciated.I would like to know how in general on principle how the cats are designed to sit when the tide goes out.on keels and rudders or on keels and front of hulls.
I need to remove the saildrives and seal up the holes while on a sandbar.
I have aluminium hull and need to beach , at best , every 4 months for a brush and prop service. Have only been caught out once in about 24 beachings, due to weather change. I much prefer sand bars to beaches and often deploy a kedge if in any doubt. Watch out for the "greenie", monster if thinking of using antifoul !
If you are in Florida you are only getting a 2.5 ft. tidal range. A Privilege 39 draws 3.5 feet .with waves and some settling you might not even be able to expose the bottom, if you can, not for very long. Hopefully you are somewhere with a bigger tidal range if you are planning to try this.
Watch out for the "greenie", monster if thinking of using antifoul !
I have taken this into consideration and have calculated that the use of dieselfuel in the travel hoist exceeds any environmental damage to the beach. I am of course using the latest environmentally friendly anti-fouling.