it is very interesting to hear about the experiences forumers have made with
boat builders in
Thailand. I got a reply from Beebloo after 2 days. I am also looking into some other cats built in
Thailand. The one previously mentioned is the Andaman Cabriolet
New Catamaran 38 foot - The Andaman Cabriolet
and the other one the Catathai "Ecolocat40" designed by Nicolas Gruet
catathai phuket thailand yacht builder/ power 34.
All of them were offered around 300k US$ sail away, with more or less
equipment, excl.
taxes. The most complete offer at that
price is the Andaman Cabriolet. The slightly bigger Ecolocat40 is more appealing to my wife and me, cause it offers more space and can carry a more reasonable payload.
I hope you all can share some opinions about the Andaman Cabriolet design and for the "Ecolocat" as well? I have not visited the yards yet, but will do so later this year. My plan is to get a coastal cruising cat for
Asia within the next 1 or 2 years. The
budget is around 300k US.