04-09-2009, 21:51
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Well, It's been a while since this site was brought to our attention.
On the day it was, I sent an email requesting information.
2 days later I sent another request using a different email address.
As yet I have not had a response.
They GFC must have been kind to them and they are incredibly busy with all those new orders.
05-09-2009, 02:01
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It's well known that Aussie is the land of the knockers,, You can not stand that fact that some one might build something better, Or cheaper.
Everyone knocked the Japanese , Now who has the last laugh
You have the V8 super cars , The Aussies are too frightened to let the Japs enter because they might win........It must be tough being a Aussie
Kiwis are the best boat builders a well known fact!!!
And as a boat builder for the past 45 years and having sailed on the Chamberlain 12 metre and the Grainger15 metre in QLD and comparing the fit out and what you get for your money the Thai's cat win hands down,,, As I said I have sailed on the 38 ft Thai cat but not the 48 ft cat
As for the price......Why is it that Aussie cars are almost twice the price of cars in New Zealand,,,,,,,Think about it .......and if you are not too thick you should work it out
I'm a KIWI and I can
05-09-2009, 03:36
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KIWI - Chill dude.. you gotta roll with the punches. No one is knocking the boat.
We're knocking you for not checking what the $295K DID NOT include when you wrote that first post. When we add in the cost for the missing bits, its suddenly not that much cheaper anymore, and besides, there's much more than just the rig that's missing. No mention of Engines. No mention of interior fit out.
After 30 years of being around boats plus being in the trade, it is a surprise that you were not at all suspicious of a deal that was too good to be true.
Over the years, a lot of us have been burned by "unfulfilled" promises from all sorts of snake oil salesmen. This will explain why we are not taking anything at face value that seems too good to be true.
Now as to your tirade about Australia, give it a rest mate, it says more about you as person than you would wish for. This is a cruising forum not a place to vent your anger and personal prejudices.
The light at the end of the tunnel are no longer the headlights of the oncoming train. .....yippee
05-09-2009, 04:12
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Originally Posted by neelie
KIWI - Chill dude.. you gotta roll with the punches. No one is knocking the boat.
We're knocking you for not checking what the $295K DID NOT include when you wrote that first post. When we add in the cost for the missing bits, its suddenly not that much cheaper anymore, and besides, there's much more than just the rig that's missing. No mention of Engines. No mention of interior fit out.
After 30 years of being around boats plus being in the trade, it is a surprise that you were not at all suspicious of a deal that was too good to be true.
Over the years, a lot of us have been burned by "unfulfilled" promises from all sorts of snake oil salesmen. This will explain why we are not taking anything at face value that seems too good to be true.
Now as to your tirade about Australia, give it a rest mate, it says more about you as person than you would wish for. This is a cruising forum not a place to vent your anger and personal prejudices.
Neelie, I'm sorry to say it's people like you that make a statement with out looking at my original post,, IF......IF you went on and had a look at and logged on to the web site and not looked at the pictures but read all about the 48ft cat and what was offered....which you did not , You would have seen that it comes fully fitted out .
2 40HP Yanmar motors
Auto pilot
pilot charts
And the list goes on
Before you answer again " READ What is offered
Beebloo Yachting, Boats for sale
05-09-2009, 04:20
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Sorry mate, I should have added that I lived in Sydney for 22 years I just dont like and never have liked people slanging off at something before they have checked it out first, Too many people think Just because it's cheap it must be bad
05-09-2009, 05:05
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Originally Posted by KIWI
Hmm, must be looking at a different site to me
From your link
Standard Equipments
Electronics & Electrics
- Auto Pilot
- Barbecue
- Battery Charger
- Delph Sounder
- Gsm
- Inverter
- Owen
- Pilot Charts
- TV
Cabins: 3
berths: 8
Fresh Water capacity (Liters): 600
Nope, no motors there.
None whatsoever.
05-09-2009, 08:38
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sorry Cat Man Do, but Kiwi is correct, you did not READ the entire site. At the top of the discription it states 40 hp yanmar engines (2). Not saying the boat is good or not, only time will tell, but you can't beat up on Kiwi when you don't have the facts straight. Looks like a lot of miss information going around from very one on this post.
05-09-2009, 09:44
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05-09-2009, 17:23
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Thailand has some excellent Boatbuilders
It is a pity that Beeblue's website presents a image of badly put together and inadequate information. They say they have a 380 with a starting price of $195k. Even the only photo of the whole of the boat looks like a poorly enlarged snapshot. The other cat, the 480 appears to be only an autocad representation of what might be for a starting price of $295k.
So taking what information is provided at face value - one is still left with a impression that Beeblue is not being completely forthright! Especially in the provided specifications.
To illustrate just one different picture of Thailand's boat builders have a look at New Catamaran 38 foot - The Andaman Cabriolet Check the specification provided for their 38ft Andaman Cabriolet.
Here is one picture taken of the boat during the Multihull races a month ago where the 38 took all the honours - The 2nd picture is of the boat in cruising mode.
05-09-2009, 18:49
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Originally Posted by Scott730
sorry Cat Man Do, but Kiwi is correct, you did not READ the entire site. At the top of the discription it states 40 hp yanmar engines (2). Not saying the boat is good or not, only time will tell, but you can't beat up on Kiwi when you don't have the facts straight. Looks like a lot of miss information going around from very one on this post.
The ad also stated that they sailed well, the original poster said because of this they must have rig, sails and winches.
Myself and others questioned this as they were not in the list of inclusions.
The OP has since retracted that statement as it was false.
The engines are also not in the list of inclusions.
06-09-2009, 00:20
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Originally Posted by cat man do
The engines are also not in the list of inclusions.
At the top of the introduction to the 480 - the following :-
Engine Power: 40
Engine Model: Yanmar
Number of Engines: 2
Fuel Type: Diesel
Fuel Capacity (Liters): 300
On another website by the same company BeeBloo
Price : 295,000 USD
Architect Designer : Spirited designs
Country : Thailand
Engine Power : 40
Engine Model : Yanmar
Number of Engines : 2
Fuel Type : Diesel
Fuel Capacity (Liters) : 300
Engine hours : 0
Cruising Speed (knots) : 9
Weight (kg) : 7600
However, It appears that the boat has never been built and therefore its specifications and its proposed equipment may be laced with options.
06-09-2009, 04:15
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Yep and it also says
the Spirited 480 will be a delight to sail with responsive handling and good manouveability. Following in the footsteps of the smaller Spirited 380, the 480 is set to be a true performer on any point of sail. The longer waterline length will achieve faster average boat speeds with a more comfortable ride.The modern design rig will drive the 480 well but is a good balance between cruising and performance.
And has pictures of a boat with a rig and sails, but if you read the earlier posts you will see that the OP admits now, that just because it showed them and talked of them did not mean that it actually had them.
I would suggest, and am happy to be proven wrong, that if they are not actually shown in the inclusions list, that they probably are not included.
After all, THAT is what an inclusion list is for, to list what is included.
I would like to know, so if you are out there beebloo, I am still waiting for a reply to my email from a week ago where I asked you these exact questions.
06-09-2009, 04:45
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Did some more research to find that the 480 is being offered in Kit Form from Australia to builders wherever they may be. Not only BeeBloo are marketing the design but a number of others each with their own rigging, power, electronics etc etc etc.
In a way, the previous discussions are centred about a catamaran that hasn't actually happened. The 380 is a different - one of our members has recently arrived in Malaysia with one from Queensland.
06-09-2009, 07:42
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Not sure what your post means or proves but have a look at this
Spirited 380 Sailing Catamaran - New Kit Assembly Pack: Sailing Catamaran for Sale - Composite - Duflex Balsa Sail Boats - Queensland (Qld)
Spirited 38 KIT
Spirited 380 Sailing Catamaran - New Kit Assembly Pack
AU $122,480
Package includes: Plans, Kit & Components (moulded hulls and decks, rudders & daggerboards)
So if a 38 ft kit just including those bits is $122,480
A 48 ft kit would be more again.
Spirited Designs - Home of the Spirited 380 by Craig Schionning
Then someone has to put it together, It appears from the spirited website that there is no resin, glass or modifiers, primers topcoats abrasives wiring plumbing etc etc included with the kit.
12-09-2009, 10:36
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OK everybody, relax and take a deep breath. Lets look at what we know.
Schionning designed it. That's good.
Its available as a kit, (with the hard parts done) with a list of options in case you don't have a handy supplier. Prices start at $X and go up from there.
It is meant to be sold to advanced private builders or to professionals for resale.
At this stage, it doesn't have any goodies: engines, plumbing, wiring, standing rigging, etc. because there are too many choices and buyers have preferences.
This is the end of Schionning involvement and remaining decisions are made by the builder for items he wants to make decisions about, or the buyer who has the dreams and the checkbook.
A price of $300,000 for a boat that big is quite low. So its meant to get the customer "in the door" and talking. Reading the add, you have to decide if you want to walk through that door and START talking based on these presumably safe assumptions:
It has engines. That should include tanks, pumps, plumbing and controls.
It has an electrical system and a freshwater system. There is some rudimentary interior.
It has no rig. No sails. No anchor, rode or windlass.
In other words, this is not a sailaway price. It is possibly a motor-away price, but thats doubtful.
Its still a good price. I don't know what a comparably equipped new vessel would cost, IF you could buy it without a rig, but I'm pretty sure it would be more.
So what is the advantage of buying a Thai-built boat? None beyond the cost of labor. Materials cost more, manufactured items like radars and winches cost more, and an extruded aluminum mast, pre-rigged by experienced people could be exorbitantly expensive. You would have to import ten at a time just to get the shipping down to something like retail. Forget it. Nobody is going to sell ten 48 footers this year; not even FP. And who is going to buy a carbon fiber mast from a factory that pays their skilled craftsmen $3.50 a day?
So: this is a motor-away boat for $300000. Just add rig, sails, interior finish and lighting, winches, electronics, bedding, gray-water system, galley equipment, heat and air conditioning, water maker, ad infinitum and the cost goes up, what? $300G more? Somebody tell me. But not anybody named Raoul.
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