Meanwhile now that Spring has finally arrived here on the Flathead Lake of the Flathead Reservation just off the shore of downtown Polson in Montaña they are cutting through the ice to go free
diving in Speedo's and
scuba diving. Seems they like to stand upside down under the ice and blow bubbles. And they are drilling through the ice from below with an ice auger and pushing a
wheel barrow upside down under the ice.
Anyone know the story there?
Seemingly very rare and COLD!
The Salish have named them:
sikwe' sqi'ltmkhw a.k.a.,
water man
sikwe' tłkłamiluh a.k.a.
water woman
ʔn̩qʷəˀnqʷəˀnˀnéls [Kind person].
I was just joshing with ya.
ˀʕʷoˀjintsú / laugh.
Pictures tell a thousand words, including the one of my hometown taken this time of the year with the snow capped Mission Mountains about six to ten miles distance too the east. My wife and I are going sailing tomorrow, first voyage of the season, the four seasons being June, July, August and
All the best, hope you find out about the unique boats you saw anchored off that lovely beach on Maui.
So looking forward to returning to Hawaii from The Last Best Place / 406 Country.
"imše kʷ x̣est m še putʔentxʷ łu a snkʷsqelixʷ"
"Be good and respectful to your fellow people"