Hey Everyone!
I'm narrowing down my requirements by reading on here, looking at
boat porn, and just generally immersing myself, online at any rate, as much as possible - it's addictive
When I'm on Yachtworld, for example, and I do not limit my search geographically, I find myself salivating at these gorgeous yachts that all seem to come out of the
Med - mostly
Turkey - and made of
wood - many recently.
Is this a regional, cultural, or financial decision? Or do they just have great
And, can we generalize a bit so I can possibly learn about the "worthiness" of these yachts? Again, generally speaking - I know some are better than others - but I've seem many that are 30-40 years old and look like the same condition as ones 5 years old. Are they THAT much more to maintain than other
hull materials? Are they safe translant vessels?
I'm asking because they are absolutely gorgeous - almost everyone I've seen is something I'd love to find under my tree this year!
I've read, on this site, that cold molded wooden hulls are not that much more, and may be even less, to maintain than glass - financially and muscle-wise. Is that true - and is that a process used on many of these
With many people seemingly
purchasing from
Turkey and
shipping back to the states, well it just has me curious!