Originally Posted by GreatKetch
Maybe I am just getting suspicous in my old age, but my bogosity meter is running pretty high on this one. Certainly their claim that they are at the most efficent going straight into the wind violates the 2nd law of thermodynamics. A wind powered craft CAN NOT go straight into the wind.
I strongly suspect that boat was designed and built on a Photoshop screen.
No. It exists. I have seen it, though only at the wharf.
You later said:
And it has nothing to do with sailing faster than the wind, unless you are sailing downwind Even if you had a 100% efficent windmill and a 100% efficient water prop all the energy you get from the windmill comes at the expense of drag. The more energy you get out, the more drag. You can never overcome that drag.
I think the error here is that the wind turbine does not generate energy from drag, but from
lift. The blade is a wing, and is rotated by the
lift, which can be much larger than the drag. It is a fascinating