My old avatar was taken from a friends
Lagoon Cat, we were sailing back and forth across the bay in
Panama City FL. Each lap had an upwind component and we steadily pulled away, more than they caught us on the downwind leg.
So far as going to windward, I can attest I go to windward much, much better than a
Lagoon Cat, and yet for some reason people don’t seem concerned with windward ability with production Cats.
With my Autoprop I can crank the
motor, bump the throttle to 1200
motor is smooth and quiet, I’m
charging batteries and maybe making water and ice, and go to windward faster than even most
race boats, burning about a half a gallon an hour.
Since we Retired, I don’t go to windward anymore, I’ll wait and go next week when it’s not to windward
So far as not being a light wind boat, that’s certainly true, but with a
code zero, I’m better in light winds than most boats with white sails.
This avatar was taken by a performance boat in the
Bahamas as we pulled past them. They did not have a
code zero.
But really the honest truth is I spend about 1% of our lives actually sailing. Many will argue that of course, but unless your on a
circumnavigation of similar, you probably spend less time sailing than you think, but as we
live aboard, we spend 24/7 on board, and that makes for us comfortable living more important than most anything else.
I had the chainplates replaced, it was a big job, I had
Allied Titanium make new ones for me from Grade 5 Titanium, chainplates will never be an issue on this boat again,
price difference was a couple of hundred bucks, that’s all.
I’ve not heard of any
lost rigs, which surprises me, because I’ve seen a few broken chainplates, but for some reason they kept the rig. One was on the port side, and another was a back stay.