Originally Posted by meyermm
Knowing the Germans I am not surprised after all they build those totally rotten cars called mercedes, BMW, Golf etc....
As often when one tries to simplify matters one ends up
head over heels in something way more complicated than the simple minded is prepared to understand........ i.e.: Where exactly in my above
posting did you read a sentence like "The Germans are NOT ABLE to build solid boats.....?"
Did it ever cross your mind, that it was and is not the objective for
Bavaria to build heavy-duty blue-water-cruising yachts?
The majority of their clientele would be ...hmmm, ... *sailing* the
Baltic Sea or North
Adriatic or between the
Greek Islands in July or August. So anything more "solid" would
price them right out of the
water against the competition that can at least
work with cheaper labor (Germany is one of the most labor-cost-intensive countries in
Europe, in return they manage to accumulate and hold highly skilled people - everything has it's odds and merrits...)
Does not change the fact, that mistaking a Bavria for a blue-water-cruiser would be just that: A major mistake.