Woody, There are so many more questions to ask.
I came across an article when I was looking for my first boat. I found myself comparing the gadgets boats had thinking that the one with more gadgets, like a car with more buttons and toys on it, was the better deal. What this article said was to look at the boat
purchase in another way.
Which boat will let your feel the experience you want. The experiences you are seeking from a boat are more important than the gadgets on the boat. All owners know the moment they buy for the latest and greatest MFD or
GPS or Auto Pilot, a newer and better one will be at the next
boat show. None of the gadgets will deliver the dream you have, and your dream is different from mine or any of the other owners on this forum.
Once I thought about how many people I wanted to share my
boating experience, what type of experiences I want to have, and where I want to have them The boat for me just presented her self. It was an easy decision.
For me it was a Cal35 Cruiser. Just an ideal boat for the
Pacific Northwest Puget Sound sailing I want to explore. Only 120 made from 1973 to 1974. What are the odds that there would be 3 of them available in the
Puget Sound area just when I wanted to buy one. Before I identified the experience I wanted the Cal35 was not even on my
Best of luck in your quest.