Originally Posted by kai
so what are some manufacurers that you would suggest i look into that are sea worthy.
The Allegro 27 is the single most popular type for
blue water cruising. It's a
full keel double ender. A couple of hundred were built and they are spread across the world. Between them they have countless ocean crossings. They just changew owners and go again and again.
Price from 12k and up. Here's one you can read about
Allegro 27
1972 Norlin Allegro ALLEGRO 27 Boat For Sale
Most of them are already equipped for cruising, and good to go.
Other types would be Amigo 23, a sturdy little 22 footer. Also
full keel This is the type that sailed to
Chile. Would require extra
water tanks for cruising, otherwise good to go. I doubt you'll find any outside
europe though.
Amigo 23, Amigobladet och Lova Page is in swedish but click the links to the left and you'll get a few pics.
Price from 7k
Another one is Misil II or
Hallberg Rassy 24.
Misilbilder click on "Bilder" (pictures).
HR 24 Misil II Also a really good and well built boat, long
keel, but not full. Handles really well and looks beautiful. I used to own one, the previous owner sailed it single handedly to the West Indies and back. Reinforcing the
mast bulkhead is a good idea for blue
water cruising. Probably hard to find outside
europe as well. Price from 7k.
I've heard that the
Vancouver 27 is a good boat, but I don't have any personal experience with it. Probably a lot easier to find on your side of the Atlantic though.