Pearson 30 I've been sailing has served me well for a lot of years and does exactly what it is designed to do and i've been toying with the idea of upgrading
This would be with the idea of
extended cruising -me and mate, imagine a quest or two for short periods.
initially at least south along the
East Coast (Bermuda?) and onto the islands...maybe for a year
After that?...who knows...maybe keep going
the balancing act
in order of vague priority:
Build Quality/Safety
have been investigating
boats in the 34 to 37 foot range...occasionally bouncing up to 40.
Besides the fact I'm a bit intimated by 40 and's out of my
boats which keep coming back to my mind are the
70's S&S Tartan 34 and 37
Contessa 35 (not many around)
Alberg 35
and Older Bristols
Systems really are the last priority (KISS theory applies)
Safe and reasonably comfortable take precedence
any thoughts on the boats
and any others i should be keeping an eye on?