Are there any Oyster owners out there with similar rust coloured streaks on the topside? The teak capping rail appears to bleed a rust coloured fluid just below the butt joints, and in some cases the capping rail colour turns black.
Here in the states there is a product called OSPHO which is a dilute solution of phosphoric acid. It might take a few applications and some scrubbing , but it should work. Wear eye and hand protection. Try a small spot first. Good Luck____Grant.
It appears that the plate (SS?) was improperly bedded resulting in corrosion leaking down the topside. The teak cap joint with white sealant looks like a repair job.
Hi Ronbo,
SYS at Southampton indeed found steel (not SS!!) plates screwed to the GRP at the hull to deck joint, which were let into the underside of the teak capping rail.
I was merely wondering whether there were any other Oyster owners out there with similar problems. Oyster head office is under the impression that we are the only owners (so far) to have run into this problem.