Originally Posted by SpiritofGlenans
On the left-hand side you will see the words"Main Menu". Clicking on there will enable you yo explore the whole website, but if you do decide to ignore the advice of almost the entire community, you had better buy very quickly ; Jefa is a Danish company, so when your Supreme Leader takes power, the prices will be increased by 25%, due to his intended tarrifs. That is of course, if their products becoming completely unavailable, due to total war does not break out between the US and the aforementioned tiny European country 
It's great that you learned how to navigate websites using the main menu, thanks for sharing.
It means all hope is not
lost for you, even though you clearly didn't read this thread but are jumping with sarcasting comments addressed to the wrong poster.
I asked one poster (not the OP) what rack and pinion he bought.
I am not the OP, not intending to modify my
boat from tiller to
wheel since it already has
wheel steering .
Also it would be great if you refrained from political comments, they only lower the S/N and make it more difficult for future searchers to find answers.