*51.1, not 55.1.
We are looking to
purchase our first cruiser. I'm an experienced dingy sailor/racer, been on my buddy's
Hunter and a few other smaller cruisers.
We are looking for a safe, fast, comfortable
boat for coastal cruising. Will probably never cross an ocean with it, but you never know. We'll mostly do day cruises,
cruise from port to port, entertain on it, etc. We have no big
offshore dreams.
We'll be sailing part time for the next few years. Will probably never graduate to full time, but will spend a couple/few months on the
boat every year nevertheless.
We are mainly considering used 46.1 and 51.1s at this point. We like these Beneteaus for their cockpits and the room/practicality down below. The
sheets and winches are located in one spot well aft on these
boats. I may be
single handing at times.
Having fixed the odd boat, I'm a bit worried about the balsa
core on Beneteaus. We plan to keep our cruiser for a long time.
I don't have time to do much
work on a boat. I pretty much need something that is ready to sail and is mostly trouble free for the next few years. I am pretty handy. If something broke I am able to fix it, though time is an issue.
Being a dingy sailor, I don't know what to think about the in
mast furling on the main. Is that preferable to a traditional
mast, if I have the choice ?
Would a First 53 be too "racy" for leisure sailing ? It seems to have 80% of the comfort a 51.1 has ? Or would the 51.1 with the First package be a better choice ? I like speed but I also need to keep the companions happy.
My first mate likes the kitchen on the Yacht 54 the best, but the
equipment that comes on them seems to be pretty limited compared to the 51.1 The 51.1s seem to have a nice kitchen setup.
Thoughts and
advice ?