I am loolking at a 1988 Tayana 52 that is located in Fort Lauderdale. Does anyone have a cross section diagram of the boat? I am trying to determine where the water, fuel and holding tanks are located before I fly down there in a few weeks. I can't seem to find much information online.
Yes. I talked to the broker and received a copy of a recent survey, but tank locations were not mentioned. The broker thought that one of the fueltanks was under the starboard seatee, but that seems doubtful to me. I can't believe Tayana never put out a cross section drawing.
Yes. I talked to the broker and received a copy of a recent survey, but tank locations were not mentioned. The broker thought that one of the fuel tanks was under the starboard seatee, but that seems doubtful to me. I can't believe Tayana never put out a cross section drawing.
The factory have copies of plans and cross section drawings for every one they build because each is slightly different