Scott, like you, we are far from the
boat and have an added disadvantage in that we know NOTHING about your boat or location (we really don't KNOW all the various types/models of
boats out there and aren't likely to go look it up).
So, in GENERAL, you have a few possibilities:
1 -
water from the topside
2 - water from the bottom side
3 -
displacement of internal liquids toward the stern
1a - leak: find and stop leak - figure out why your
bilge pump didn't
work (got spare?):
battery dead?
Charger not working? breaker thrown?
Shore power missing?
1b - clogged drain - something to bail with, and something to clean out drain (snake?)
2a -
Packing gland - tighten nut (got wrench?)
2b - through
hull - cracked/broken or hose bad: cracked or broken =
haul out, (got hose, hose clamps, plugs - tools to cut, tighten or pound?),
2c - holed
hull =
haul out
3a - fresh water - accidental discharge or hole in tank (also see 1a)
3b - sewage - yuck - see 3a and 1a
3c -
fuel - luckily your
bilge pump doesn't
work - make sure it is off/disconnected - call harbor master/coast guard, then your
insurance company. Do not attempt to "fix" this until professionals have dealt with it.
Good luck