An Utah-Monty in
Scotland ;-) I sailed a steel vd Stad for 17 years (in Holland). These
boats are good but won't take the prices in the club
race, which is okay. Your intended use is much like what I did in those 17 years and I would advise to find a berth on fresh
water, like up a river (which might be difficult in Scotland depending on where in Scotland you live). That will make a huge difference in rust control.
The deck: after years of doubt we went the Treadmaster
route and after more than 10 years it was still like new when we
sold the boat. But don't count on that performance in the tropics. Also, in the tropics you tend to be bare footed and that's not very nice either on Treadmaster. We used light gray with even lighter gray
paint around it (navy blue hull) and that looks very good on a
steel hull and much better than just painted decks which is what we had before.