i'm sailing south next week and plan on going coastal doing day trips of no more than 75 miles a day. just going over my checklist.
sails: 2 mains, (one new, one about 5 years),
storm jib, working
jib, 135
genoa, (none older than 5 years)
rigging was checked this spring, have new halyards and
sheets (kept the old ones just in case)
electronics: 2
vhf, 2
depth and speed,32 mile
radar, Wi-Fi hot spot,
epirb and
cell phone
safety: auto inflate
pfd with harness and personal eprb (not the one on my mast) 4 fire ext (one
engine "room" one
galley, one
head, one deck) first aide kit (was told what to get from a friend who is a nurse) flares, (4 off-shore rocket, 4 inshore 12ga, 4 handheld, 4 smoke, 1 orange flag 1 signal mirror) 12 ga semi auto shotgun,(20 buckshot,20 slugs,25 #7
steel 45
cal semi auto handgun, (50 fmj acp)
8ft inflateable dingy with 4hp (getting serviced now)
8'6'' Robert august longboard,
scuba gear with 2 full
tanks, spear gun, 2 tuna rods (one a 50wt one an 80) trolling rod (30wt) spinning rod.
fuel tank with 2 5 gallon portable
40 gallon
3 burner
propane stove,
propane grill, 25lb propane tank
2 130 watt
solar panels, (with
battery monitors) 2200 watt gen, 80amp
alternator, new
batteries this spring.
I also have t.v, am/fm/cd
radio, and enough
books to start a library.
all my running lights
work, and harness lines run from bow to stern with ones going to the
mast as well.(all on
deck, not my life lines)
I have
charts from
Nantucket to the keys, and the
Bahamas (figure that's enough for now, if I go farther I will get more)
am I forgetting anything? if you can think of something I don't have and need, let me know. thanks.