Originally Posted by rexposeidon
check out the thread New Bee Needs Advice. alot of your questions will also be answered there.
on the other problem (as someone who has also been married 2x) who's gonna put up with your sh*t like her after 38 years? Not to give advice where it's not asked but you've got other "stuff" to deal with before you buy a boat. I only say this from the inside of the mirror.
Taken and noted, u may have a germane point. I thought it was mighty nice of me to offer to sell the house that she said she did not want to live in anymore because of "bad memories" and use the cash to buy one of the boats I have posted here. Damn man what more could she ask for

. See how far I am willing to go.
BTW we have a house that could not be replaced for any where near what we would get for it. See all of the skyling of Fort Worth total of about 165 degrees of view out the back window.