Good day all,
I've heard of a site on the net that carries sail designs for many different boats. Was told it was the quickest and the cheapest company to go through. Does anybody know their name? Have any experience with them?
You may be thinking of - they don't have plans but do make sail kits for many different boats, and can make one to your specs for any boat.
Almost every major sail loft in North America will have a series of designs to suit almost every brand and model of sailboat. North, Quantum, and the others are very reasonable; they design the sail and send a data file to a computer-run sail cutting factory, so they get excellent prices while still having the benefits of their own custom designs.
I've had a tiny amount of experience with several different lofts - both big brands and smaller custom lofts. I would suggest you find a local loft, whether or not it is associated with a big brand name, who will come out to your boat and measure it. Even better if you can bribe them with a few beers and/or lunch to go for an afternoon sail and talk with you about the sails you have, the sails you want to get, how to get the most out of them... Non-brand lofts tend to specialize and are often pretty busy despite being expensive.
All but one loft I've talked with had great service, and that one loft was just too swamped to have time to spend with me. Sail makers seem to be really great folks.
On the internet, nobody knows you're a dog anchored in a coral atoll.