Originally Posted by Cheechako
My bet is the stainless steel. Especially the enclosed part where the pulpit and lifeline stancions mate to the deck. Wet enclosed areas create oxygen depletion and SS corrodes well in that environment. you need to:
-remove all those, (a big job) clean them up removing all traces of rust and maybe have them re-passivated properly by a railmaker shop.
-Replace all the bolts with new.
- I bet you will find those bases are totally rust covered on the bottom. It's probably time to rebed all those fittings anyway, they may already be leaking into the deck core, but you may be lucky with the stancions and pulpits as they may not have carried the coring out that far on the deck.
I think you're spot on. That's just too much rust to be coming from the surface after it's polished after just a few days. It must be internal bleeding out under the bases.
And if that's happening, there's a 95% chance it's leaking down through the bolt holes.
No doubt, it is a big job (having just done it), particularly if access to the underside is poor, but doing it will not only stop the rust staining but will protect the core.
I've used Spotless Stainless and was not impressed. Didn't do squat on my rust staining at all, most vexing. Yard where I'm at had some Wonder Gel...brush it on and 10 minutes later the rust is gone. It's pricey but a little goes a LONG way.
For deck rust stains it's hard to beat Mary Kate's ON/OFF.