Hi all my name is Steve and I have a
boat problem.
I have always wanted to sail and starting 2 years ago a former river client has let me use his 25
Catalina swing
keel for doing all the upkeep. We keep it on Lake Granby in the Colorado Rockies. I have about 20 days in the
boat so far I can put it in the slip under sail solo now and have sailed it in winds that destroyed the Marina we keep the boat at. I also have a ton of experience in
boats under 35 feet powered by
motor and paddle.
So I have questions. I think that the fact I will stay in Colorado the rest of my life and keep a boat on a lake here rules out owning a big boat on the Ocean. So I now need to know what qualifications I need to be able to rent
boats in places like the
BVI and S. Pacific.
I have Guided Rivers on 5 Continents and am currently putting a Climbing trip on Cho Oyo together so I don't think this out side my realm of ability. But I have no Sea
navigation experience or Coast Gaurd liscence. So were does one start any and all info welcome. Thanks in Advance. Steve jones ps spell check not working forgive please