Over 5 years we went about 5,000 miles, traveling from Los Angeles to Bocas Del Torro in our 1985 Irwin 43. So this would be coastal cruising.......and our irwin has served us well. We had no structural, or mechanical problems during our trip.
If you want to sail in the sea of
japan, or down around the cape, don't buy an Irwin. But if you want a good sturdy boat that is comfortable to live on, buy an Irwin.
This is what I learned during our 5 years:
1) Your success and enjoyment while cruising will depend more on your sailing, and
maintenance skills than the boat.
2) Buy a boat that is comfortable to live on, especially if your boat is your home.
3) Don't listen to the windbags on these
forums that pretend to be boat experts, Go to the
marinas and talk with real boat owners and cruiser.